[-] aard@kyu.de -1 points 3 months ago

Just read her wikipedia page - as I'm not from the US I've been mostly treating US politics as a bad comedy show for the last two decades or so, and even though she's vice president she was too much of a side character to register.

The one thing that did rech me over there was that she's a bad candidate as VP as she'll erect a police state when biden dies. After reading her bio I can't find problems there, though. I disagree with some details - like seeking life imprisonment - but can give her a pass due to the environment she's operating in which probably wouldn't allow anything else (if you're confused: all convicts should undergo rehabilitation attempts with goal of release. If you stay locked up it'll be due to you still posing a danger to society, in which case you still get more privileges than a prisoner as at that stage it is considered a mental health issue, and treating you as prisoner for that would be a human rights violation).

For sticking to not seeking death penalty she deserves respect, though, and generally she seemed to be focused on putting actual criminals to prison.

[-] aard@kyu.de -5 points 4 months ago

As a non-Windows-user I see that as a good thing. LLMs are not going away - but that kind of nonsense at least will make sure all PCs will eventually have cheap and reasonably fast AI acceleration. Which is required for killing off centrally hosted LLMs (plus nvidias cash grabbing)

[-] aard@kyu.de 0 points 7 months ago

I just tried to sign up there, but seems they only accept stripe as payment - which still insists on making me solve unsolvable captchas before letting me pay.

[-] aard@kyu.de -1 points 9 months ago

I've been trying that for a while until I ran out of searches, and was trying to pay - after getting unsolvable captchas thrown at me several times by their payment processor I eventually gave up. Having a captcha at that point also doesn't make any sense at all - as I'm in the EU my card will have to go through strong verification before adding it. For a US audience the experience might be different - I guess that's also their main initial target.

They also just did a bare minimum job of supporting non-javascript - while it nowadays is pretty much impossible to handle payment without allowing some javascript they also have their own account logic unusable without javascript, and they don't have a way to easily open that in a private session when you get stuck. That'd be trivially solvable by just giving you a URL with an account key attached you can paste into a private instance to do your payment.

metager does that way better - they're usable without javascript, and don't force you to create an account with them. You can create a key with tokens tied to it to unlock search features. You can just use that to enable it in other browsers - and you easily jump into a private instance from the key workflow to just add money to the key.

I might revisit kagi later to see if they fixed some of those problems - but for now metager seems to be the best option. I'm a bit amazed they still exist - it was my main search engine back in the 90s before google came around.

[-] aard@kyu.de -1 points 10 months ago

I've been a Linux user since the 90s, and nvidia has been a problem as long as I can remember. The wayland issues are just a new chapter in a long saga. ATI used to be the same, but they came around after having been bought by AMD.

If you're already planning to use Linux on something a quick search will directly tell you that nvidia is a problem. If you got the hardware before nvidia that sucks - but again, it's nvidias fault.

I think we absolutely should neglect nvidias market share, and just fully drop support for nvidia cards - either they'll get pressured by angry users to no longer behave like dicks, or they keep doing it, and people will only make the mistake of buying nvidia once (or not use Linux) - either way, we'll have gotten rid of a massive headache.

[-] aard@kyu.de -2 points 11 months ago

Which is not that useful for a device I don't really look at, and is covered by my hand when in use. I can continue using my trackball while it is charging, though.

[-] aard@kyu.de -1 points 1 year ago

I'm aware of that - but I think when you're marketing as Linux / open source friendly you shouldn't be selling those systems.

I might get interested if they ever have a modern AMD system with proper coreboot support - but until then they don't do anything special.

[-] aard@kyu.de -2 points 1 year ago

If you're younger than ~40 you shouldn't even know the term 'network class', unless you're really into history of computer networks. If you learned that term in some kind of school I'd question the rest of what they've been teaching as well.

If you're older than 40 you should've stopped using class based concepts at least two decades ago.

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