Doesn't IntelliJ has some kind of Gradle wrapper built-in it that integrates with internals of IJ? They developed it to have more powers in Gradle and Kotlin, but didn't care to provide feature parity with Maven. Then they cried when people started leaving IJ for VSC.
Being offline doesn't mean not using a computer. I still had IDE and for better ctrl+f experience.
Your problem is that there is JS code running in a browser?
Why would you need multiple distros at the same time?
I sell on eBay for the price of postage
Not banking but transfer proxy space.
You're all gonna have to learn to die together
The one you know best
I was wondering if anyone else had any questions they always asked the interviewer in the “we’ll give you five minutes at the end to ask us questions” bit in interviews.
How much time they spent asking you questions? I hope that was 5 minutes too, interview is a 2 way thing, you need to know that you will like them too. If a company told me I have 5 minutes, I would take it that they don't care what I think about them and they're not interested in sharing information about themselves which is a massive red flag.
Check this list
I like super simple things that I can use from a single window of my editor or IDE. Most frequently I use vscodium, I use this