Am I supposed to have Wifi driver issues? My laptop's one always worked flawlessly without me having to even look at it
Considering FNA and Godot, $100K is gonna do wonders to both projects, specially with the additional $1K
They might even better afford to have developers working full-time at the engines, or deal with stuff like infrastructure, licensing, hosting and other costs
Make it a recursive loop where the citation sources all makes a wild loop through the entire paper
Revenge, turn in a paper with a source citation for every single word
Not gonna lie, I read that as "porn industry" and was really confused as to why tf everyone is talking about pigs and animal abuse. Took me a awful amount of time to realize it's actually "pork industry" not "porn industry"
I'll try and let everyone updated
Called my gf as 'Zabe' and she's trying to cut my head off
I swear, the TF2 fanbase is gonna to Destroy the OW2 fanbase on Steam. It's Valve territory, they ain't taking it easy on 'em
If Lucas has the balls to it and not even try to hide, Lucas deserves it
I'll not port my games to Linux! After all, my game is being natively made in Linux
Most of time I don't know what is going on, I just go along with the vibe
Wait wait wait, hear me out
A snail