I don't get what you try to say with your last paragraph. It sounds like you are worried that the poor 97% of Windows and Mac users are losing something because Linux is rising. Which makes absolutely no sense.
Dude you got that info from a TikTok
Both are fine choices for a text editor. But for everything? Vim doesn't even have a web browser and a psychotherapist built in, smh absolutely unusable
what do you even live for if curiosity is not enough of a reason to do something
There are some concepts for hybrid maglev-rail tracks that would at least solve the first point, similar to how rail was electrified over time. It would still be very expensive though.
Recent demonstration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQOEP7_euXQ
Are they just hanging out in the hallway? Are you sure you are in an apartment?
Doesn't enforcement work by letting competitors sue you if you don't follow the rules for these things?
The setting sounds a bit like how someone in the 1960s might have imagined the future
How do you do that?
good personality
uses most of the words in the comment to wish everyone who downvotes a terrible and miserable life
It would help if everyone tried to interpret other people's comments in the best possible way, rather than in the worst possible way. It leads to much more interesting discussions.
Unfortunately, that is very unlikely to happen.
The equator doesn't have strong wind though? And what does that map of ocean currents have to do with that?