[-] anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml 1 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

that is not what "disenfranchised" means at all. These people are business owners with large portfolios?? They are objectively some of the most enfranchised people in the country. They're literally sitting on their thumbs in their bathtubs of money deciding which genocidaire would be better for their wallets? How is this a disenfranchised population? This is objectively the opposite. Fuck them.

Anyone catering to these very enfranchised sociopaths for votes, rather than to (and while actively repressing and brow-beating) those who are demanding an end to the bipartisan US-financed and US-armed genocide in Palestine, and rather than to the huge portion of actual left-wing voters and poor working class voters who are moving to 3rd parties or among the 35-50% who have stopped voting because of how actually disenfranchised and abandoned by this imperialist-corporate-conglomerate pretending to be two different parties they are

anyone catering to the former group instead of the latter two groups is my enemy

[-] anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml 6 points 12 hours ago

at the same time as ever more nuclear brinksmanship against Russia at the expense of who knows how many hundred thousands people on and between both 'sides' of the shitshow in Ukraine. THIS is the "damage control" candidate in the US?

lmfao I'm voting PSL fuck all of these people. Democrats going around congress twice to shovel as many guns and bombs as they can hoping Israel finishes off Gaza before the elections, Trump only being different in that he's open about the same; Palestinians have said both candidates and parties are the same for them, and they've been the same for us.

[-] anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml 2 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

wikipedia more accurate on Israeli occupation than the politics of Ukrainian nazi groups like azov and right sektor who would've thought

[-] anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml 5 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

driven from their home.

Maybe the Zionists should have taken that to the EUROPEANS WHO DID THAT and forced seizure of THEIR land and made THEM compensate; not passed that shit off on palestinians and colonize them who had nothing to do with european judeophobia. equating these two is ridiculous because the Palestinians are resisting against THE VERY PEOPLE WHO TOOK THEIR LAND, rather than going to some other, poorer place, and getting funneled weapons to brutalize and colonize and genocide them. You don't see Palestinians driving tanks and bombs into Namibian villages and mass murdering them and stealing their land.

These things are not equal and it takes real liberal 'enlightened centrist' brainworms to speak in such vapid vacant platitudes as you are doing. friend your brain needs dewormed.

[-] anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml 2 points 14 hours ago

Lol, the first source he cites in these is wikipedia, then perhaps one book.

And I bet that book was found in the footnote of wikipedia

Also wikipedia still cites the Black Book of Communism, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Robert Conquest. And though any and all Russian sources are "unreliable," to them, CIA outlets originally staffed by local fascists like Radio Free Europe/Liberty/Asia are all apparently "highly reliable." Their policies are inherently incestuous and reinforce the liberal western-imperialist status-quo. Anything outside the "accepted center" of authorship, regardless of the actual merit and quality of the report/study and its sources and information is labelled as "fringe." To say nothing of the well-known astroturfing by corporations and intelligence agencies and all the "earnest voice" type stuff. And just very belligerent ill-informed people of the redditor variety, who have too much time on their hands and are far more opinionated than they have any right to be so their garbage sits in the articles for many eyes which see them, either unsourced, with a garbage source, or with a source that straight up doesn't say the thing they imply it says.

[-] anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml 2 points 15 hours ago

"disenfranchised conservatives" he says

[-] anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml 1 points 15 hours ago

over a corrupt and narcissistic megalomaniac.

boy I hate to tell you this, but you're not escaping that by voting for the democrats. the establishment parties are personifications of all of the worst vices and cruelties of the imperialist capitalist class of war mongers, racketeers, and liars which keep the globe under their boot with 800+ bipartisan military bases and CIA blacksite torture camps, and bipartisan Hunger Plans and bipartisan competing to see who can do more genocide faster.

Biden's such a corrupt narcissistic megalomaniac he wouldn't even step down while his brain was visibly leaking from his ears his own party including the speaker of the house (also being one of the most corrupt, narcissistic megalomaniacs in congress) was demanding he do so. He only did when the billionaire imperialists that finance the democrats (and who they work for, who both parties work for) pulled their funding.

[-] anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml 3 points 15 hours ago

because their interests don't allow it. Their donors and the people they work for, recruit from, and get hired by after leaving office, are all the billionaire imperialists that benefit from exactly what the democrats are doing and have been. It's in the base structure of the democrat party. A lot of times these capitalists donate to the democrats, then vote republican. Both parties work for the same class of capitalist imperialists in whose interest they are so entrenched, they literally can't do anything else but fly to the right and become more and more indistinguishable from each other as they both compete for who can be better at committing genocide and who can be more fascist on immigration and the border concentration camps and also militarily and operationally abroad

The only way to break the duopoly is to throw weight behind a 3rd party (the further left the better, PSL or greens if you're a liberal or your state is strong for it and you like that idea), which would starve the democrats of the margin they need to ever get power, and force a reorientation where the ruling class would have to float a reformist "labor" party to keep people from further radicalizing and flooding to the socialists away from the open-fanged republicans, who would remain as the only real political force when the mouth-closed-smiling but just-as-fanged democrats, entrenched in their position, can no longer cruise-control on "not being the republicans." Which they already are in most ways, and in the ways they wear a mask of not being they're totally feckless and actively capitulate in order to drum up more fear about the republicans to scare people into voting for them without doing anything to earn those votes (Obama had both houses of congress. He could have codified abortion rights and LGBTQ civil rights protections into law then and there. He didn't. He also gave away a supreme court seat. And Biden has not only not forcefully pushed to expand and pack the courts, but has actively denounced the idea as "politicizing the courts" as if that ship isn't already past the horizon. And has done fuck-all to stop the book-burnings, anti-LGBTQ laws, criminalizations of abortion, etc that are currently happening under a democrat president. They don't care about any of us and never will, and it will continue to get worse under the duopoly).

The ruling class floating this "labor" party would itself cause the democrat party to split in half, with half hedging their bets and pouring into the 'labor' party and the farthest-right establishment remnants stopping pretending they're anything else and joining the republicans. Which would then "democrat-ize" the "labor" party and alienate their left wing who were trying to escape those same people and interests into joining with the socialists. This is why I say throw weight behind a socialist 3rd party. Because then you actually have a growing counterweight pushing forward against this rupturing contradiction and highlighting how badly these people play politics, as the establishment and their bourgeois politicians are scrambling in retreat to reorient and reconstitute politically, having obviously grown so entrenched and corrupt and complacent they've forgotten how to play politics.

[-] anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml 21 points 2 days ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

well except all the Nazis in Germany that were brought directly back into:

but other than all of that though!

(And that's not even mentioning the Nazis and collaborators which made up the origins of Radio Free Europe/Liberty, the "Victims of Communism Foundation" which grew out of the fascist-filled anti-Soviet "Captive Nations Lobby" headed by OUN-B Nazis from Ukraine, and all the Operation Aerodynamic, Operation Paperclip, Operation Sunrise, Operation Beladonna, Operation Lynx, etc etc.)

[-] anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml 6 points 2 days ago

smh just because I was Hitler's personal attaché doesn't mean I agree with Hitler's policies it wasn't like I had the authority to make those decisions myself while I helped engage in the diplomatic and administrative duties to facilitate them

[-] anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml 6 points 2 days ago

I'm writing PSL in regardless, even if they can't win the state fight against their lawyers. Fuck the "Democrat party" thinking they can bully me into voting for their genocidal asses by sending out dark-money superPAC lawyer squads to directly kill democracy. They're scared. It just shows how much of a paper tiger they are. They should be forced to change their name, this ain't even bourgeois 'democracy' this is bullshit.

Everyone should vote third party (ideally PSL, and join them, but Greens in a strong state for it could prove savvy as well) and force a political reorientation if the democrat wing ever want power again. Since the democrats are proven incapable of doing anything but flying to the right (in some cases even further than Republicans, like on immigration), stifling/brow-beating dissenters and sending militarized pigs to crush protestors; workers have been and will continue jumping ship from their genocidal-ass Cheney-Reagan-ass party. And if we throw enough numbers and support behind third parties and especially socialists like the PSL, and reliably rob them of the margins they rely on to keep this charade of death going, they will be forced from ground-up to abandon their duopoly and reorient if they don't want their liberal democracy to collapse and a whole lot more people to be radicalized into revolutionary politics. And even if they do bring about this reorientation, they'll have to reorient and reconstitute in a chaotic political retreat from a rising left (which in of itself can only help the victims of imperialism) because they've grown so complacent they forgot how to play politics.

With visibly boosting third party numbers alongside other on-the-ground-work the PSL does continuing to pick up disillusioned workers from their base and the huge 35-50% section that doesn't even vote because of how disaffected working people are by this 'fascist-and-vampire' show, the ruling class is going to have to realize they need float one of these kinds of concessionary reformist "labor" parties to try to capture all the working class people (who never held illusions about the Republicans either) being funneled to true left-wing and revolutionary parties. And that would sunder the democrats in two, with half joining the republicans (that they've all-but-done-already), and half flooding into that reformist labor party which, with sufficient agitation, would push the reformists' own "left wing" into revolutionary disaffection due to it becoming "democrat-ized" by the same people they were trying to get away from. A sufficiently-supported PSL being in the midst of this would only benefit the socialist movement.

And that's the best option for the imperialist ruling class to try to stay ahead of the rising independent left parties like the PSL, is breaking apart their own duopoly-of-exploiters under pressure of us throwing our weight behind rupturing these already bursting-at-the-seams contradictions. It isn't about "winning" like the liberals try to hand-wring about

bourgeois democracy is a farce and always has been. It's about breaking their entrenched structures apart with a hammer and scattering its pieces with a sickle and make them show they still know how to play politics. And we can all tell they don't. They have been showing us every day how inept and scared they are.

[-] anarcho_blinkenist@lemmy.ml 9 points 2 days ago

Sees the USA doing what it's always done, which we've known since COINTELPRO and Snowden's whistleblowing


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