Lol who the f trusts Mozilla nowadays?
We also share aggregated, non-personal data and related usage information, which does not contain any personal information which can identify you or any other individual user, with third parties, including content providers, website operators, advertisers and publishers.
From the pocket privacy policy
... and they're tracking your searches, collecting massive amounts of telemetry, and using pocket that collects and sells your data.
Some browsers have built in adblock (by reimplementing mv2 apis or otherwise) and cut out the hangouts plugin or let you disable it
Not all, but a couple
A custom user.js might be a good base to work off of. For example
But jumping ship might be your best bet. Forks like Librewolf are good or otherwise a privacy respecting Chromium browser can work well too.
Lol, those were not hyperbole, although I get where their absurdity might make you assume they were.
Right wing disinformation? Lol
If you knowingly lie and spread an std through sex or donating blood it goes from a felony to a misdemeanor. Aka decriminalization.
I don't know how that's right wing. I believe most people across the political spectrum probably don't STDs, and especially don't want to get them because a partner lied or they got a blood transfusion.
I also hate how so many people jump to call something disinformation just because they don't like a particular fact. You calling it disinformation is in fact disinformation itself, and if everybody calls everything they don't like disinformation then society will have no idea what is true or not.
Read the Pocket and Mozilla FakeSpot privacy policies. They collect a lot if data, including browsing history, and do so via Google Analytics. They then share that data with advertisers.