[-] arirr@lemmy.kde.social 65 points 2 weeks ago

TBF most people already have an ethically sourced human skull.

[-] arirr@lemmy.kde.social 6 points 3 weeks ago

I existed in the vicinity of computers.

[-] arirr@lemmy.kde.social 4 points 2 months ago

I'm going to assume that this has to be at least somewhat realistic as opposed to something like 67 borders and a peaceful democratic state where we're all happy with free movement and work for everyone with Israel.

I would probably start with taking a deal, probably wait until the next Israeli government, try to get as much land as possible and maybe even see about purchasing some from the other countries like Egypt that's unpopulated or barely populated. In exchange I would probably have to agree let the IDF in to fight the various terrorists groups that currently exist which would be to my benefit because they would be trying to kill me too. In fact, I would leverage the desire for a stable Palestine to get as much Israeli involvement as possible. I would negotiate reperations for the suffering that my people went through and request all the international money to be transferred to the new government. This will be used to improve living conditions for everyone first and foremost. There would also have to be a high amount of transparency to keep trust.

Then I would have to figure out how to sort out the various clans which wouldn't want to give up power. I would probably try creating some sort of Parliament with representatives from all the major clans and even try to get all the minor clans in. I wouldn't turn power over to them off the bat, but I would let then be involved in decision making processes to start with and hard commitments to turn over power later. They probably won't trust me, but I still have all the power and they get to watch me keep my word for a few years to hopefully build trust.

I then tackle the housing crisis and start several social programs to reduce poverty with my big pile of reperation money. Around this time I declare full right of return for Palestinian diaspora. Construction would also generate a bunch of jobs. I would completely reform the education system to be child oriented and also remove all the anti-semitic garbage. History especially would focus on the positives of having a state and being able to succeed on our own land as the Palestinian people. Child abuse and especially honor killings would be cracked down upon along with a full commitment to universal human rights. It would be a slow process to change the culture, but it's doable.

A lot of Palestinians already have jobs in Israel and I would work directly with Israel to make sure they they don't loose those and even create a government office to coordinate job opportunities across the boarder both ways. De-radicalization on both sides will be greatly helped by just experiencing each other as reasonable people. There are also plenty of left wing Israeli NGOs that would be happy to help. I would also piggyback off of Israel's vibrant tech and medical sectors to utilize my already highly educated population to build out our own too.

As time goes on and I deliver on promises, I can start turning over power to Parliament and declare elections for the members. The clans wouldn't want to be voted out, so I would sell it to them as increasing their legitimacy now that they're getting power and then support their campaigns to get them officially elected. Now that I've generated some reasonable stability for several years and the Israeli government starts to relax a bit, I start building out my own security forces and even doing joint exercises to build trust.

After probably about 20 years, I'll have been able to build Palestinian nationalism to the point that they're proud of their country and participate and demand a Democratic government which I'm delivering on. There will always be radicals, but they should be minimal and joint Intel sharing with Israel should help keep the bulk of them from committing any atrocities.

The end

I don't think that this is particularly likely to happen, but it may be doable with good Palestinian leadership. Some of the most likely outcomes at this point is probably annexation and naturalization of the West Bank and its Palestinians and either the same with Gaza or a small standalone state. Another idea that may work well would be the eight state solution where the majors clans would be given territory directly and would be able to form the Palestinian Emirates like the UAE. Overall I very much agree with Standing Together's stance of "We're both not going anywhere, so we have to learn to coexist." and am hopeful that it will some day happen one way or another.

[-] arirr@lemmy.kde.social 6 points 2 months ago

I had a user ask us to solve her problems slower because it made her feel stupid when we solved them immediately.

[-] arirr@lemmy.kde.social 7 points 6 months ago

Try touch mode

[-] arirr@lemmy.kde.social 34 points 6 months ago

IMO generally be a positive about Linux rather than negative about Windows. Asking about what systems they support is reasonable though. Just know that you may be passing up jobs if this is your hill to die on.

[-] arirr@lemmy.kde.social 9 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I think that they are working to bring up all of it, but it is taking quite a while. The nearby share feature seems the be specifically for people who live in places with either poor internet or under oppressive regimes. With it, all you need is one person to get a copy of a communication app like Briar, and then they can immediately share it out to lots of people directly through F-Droid. F-Droid isn't there just to be a FOSS app store, but it also seems to specifically serve as a source of apps for people who can't get these apps safely. This also explains the high focus on legacy support.

F-Droid vs F-Droid Basic (lemmy.kde.social)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by arirr@lemmy.kde.social to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

Why are there 2 clients now? There doesn't seem to be that much of a difference between the 2 and you can just not use the features in the full version.

Edit: I found this post from Calyx: https://www.reddit.com/r/CalyxOS/comments/169toc1/calyxos_fdroid/ It seems to be a way for them to push changes like seamless updates without requiring bringing up the entire F-Droid codebase. Seemless updates is in the full client now, so I don't know what else they will be testing with it, but it seems cool regardless.

[-] arirr@lemmy.kde.social 7 points 9 months ago

The Donbass portion of the Russo-Ukrainian war had a fewer belligerents, a lot lower population density, and was fought between conventional combatants. It was also over 6 years.

The Israel-Hamas war has more belligerents, over 50x population density, is fought between a conventional army and an insurgency who has specifically said that safety of the population isn't their problem, and is being run a lot faster than 6 years. Reported death rates have already slowed down a lot.

Also according to the UN: https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14904.doc.htm 90% of war time casualties are civilians. The estimated 13k civilians killed in Gaza are weighed against an estimated 7k Hamas killed. That gives about a 2:1 ratio, much better than the global average.

War is always disgusting.

[-] arirr@lemmy.kde.social 14 points 9 months ago

Why have 3 mental health and no monies, when I can have no mental health and 3 monies!? taps head

[-] arirr@lemmy.kde.social 82 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Sigh I hate getting into it on social media, but this is just blatantly untrue.

Hamas has shown just how brutal they are willing to be the past few days and they explicitly have in their charter the destruction of Israel. Hamas given the chance would absolutely ethically cleanse all of the Levant of Jews. The PLO has a martyr fund for dying while killing Israelis. Israel not fighting would absolutely lead to complete destruction.

On the other hand, if Israel wanted to, it could completely wipe out any and all Palestinian areas. Palestine has no real air force, navy, or artillery and wouldn't be able to stop them. The only reason Israel hasn't done so is they have decided not to.

This isn't commentary on the entire conflict or the history or who is right/wrong. I'm just pointing out that this is factually incorrect.

[-] arirr@lemmy.kde.social 12 points 11 months ago

As far as I know there isn't any real RISC-V desktop ecosystem yet. Most uses these days are embedded. Besides performance, there are a lot of applications that aren't compatible with it. Unless you can verify that your specific needs can be met with RISC-V now, you are probably better off getting a system from System76 or the like that tries to reduce or outright disable IME. Alternatively you may be able to do it with Coreboot/Libreboot.

[-] arirr@lemmy.kde.social 9 points 11 months ago

Oracle free tier is 24GB of RAM. I hate Oracle as much as the next person, but worst thing they do is shut it off and you have to migrate.

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