“Kahless, the first one, the original one, the one who did impressions” is just, I have no words
Judging by Nacelle's website, it looks like once again these will be expensive display figures that kids can't play with.
As a parent of young Star Trek fans, the fact that this is the worst-merchandised franchise in the world is incredibly annoying
Probably because he sucks
Oops you just explained all of Enterprise
I loved this issue. If they ever decide to canonize anything in the comics, I hope it's this one.
Reno partying with Hysperians –– now that is a show I want to watch
I've seen people suggest adding alcohol, but I think the idea is to simulate that Klingon coffee would have a sharpness or bite to it, rather than assuming that raktajino on the show would actually have alcohol. I played around with some recipes for fun and I actually mixed a few together and found something pretty delicious. I mix Turkish coffee, a small amount of whipped milk, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and a little honey.
If Locarno had kidnapped like Harry Kim or Geordi or some shit and put them on that viewscreen like he did Mariner, we would have had a full episode’s worth of them interminably trying to find a way to play along and send a secret message out and agonizing over the situation, when just yelling “this guy’s an idiot and his plan is stupid” is genuinely a vastly better plan.
Are you implying that there’s a joke in a Canon Connections post? Inconceivable.
The Bill thing at least is a joke about TNG season 1 - they had Troi call him Bill and it was in the early series bible that Picard would call him William and he would be called Bill by "close female friends." I hate these shorts (although I'm glad they exist for the animation, at least), but that was a pretty funny callback.
Freeman said she planned to take them to Earth to have them figure out how to keep everyone alive, but my guess is that inside, she was using this to pass the buck to someone else and privately was pessimistic about the chances of figuring out a way to separate them without Janewaying them. That feels like a very Freeman thought process. But yeah, they ought to have said something on screen.
Knowing a few people who have worked on series that ended up looking for new networks, I feel pretty confident that for zillions of reasons (both legal and promotional) they would never have shown this footage if it wasn't basically a done deal –– this is just marketing to see us go bananas over the Doctor before they reveal the streaming deal. Which –– I could not believe it when I woke up this morning because I was totally sure all the "new home" stuff was entirely wishful thinking and that Prodigy was fully dead.
How do you say "devour feculence" in Klingon?