You're picking a fight with them, not me.
Meat has been shown to have spin also. They made a website about this
My computer? What does your computer do? Also I know of a place that does photoshots...
Piece of wet cardboard here. Can't read. What's an operating system?
Evolution is the process of turning things into crabs. The little T-rex arms were just part of this process.
You might be illiterate or dyslexic, OP. I forget which one, but it's the one where you stay up al night wondering if there realy is a dog.
"Industrial scale" is something you made up in this conversation. That was not done in good faith. Have a good day.
What post?
Are you familiar with unthinking unfeeling unseeing american school administrators?
Like this, but louder. I don't think they can year you.
Who is Lemmy and why does he have so many appmirers?
I did not steal dictator money or keep stuff stolen from jewish people killed during the Holocaust. I'm not the hateful piece of shit here.