Colon story bro
It’s called octopussying and you NORMOS and vegans STAY AWAY from OUR KINKCOMMUNITY (/s)
As long as they’re tried as adults
Sorry idk specifically how to avoid the update, but the linked ArsTechnica article has some advice
Someone here advised & I’d agree: use a Windows VM, for things you haven’t found the Linux version of yet.
Windows’s plan to screenshot everything will include your private artistic work too, so you’ll be doing yourself a favor
Wild guess: the 911 operator hears the wife, assumes her race from her speech, and transmits the assumption of her race to the cops, who choose violence as if they ever choose anything else
Which one hides the dirt and stains I ask you. I ASK ALL OF YOU
Good for them. Know who else prioritizes security? Me doing Kon-Mari on half my software tools & reinstalling only the ones that bring joy onto a Linux distro. good god it’s so much easier now.
Good god, it takes 25 years to set up Linux? What happened to 8 hours for every minor problem?! I’m never gonna be free of WinBLOWS :(
Idk at this point who even gives a shit— I’m fuckin tired of playing the game of “but there’s a difference between the original’s moral teachings and the…” the followers are cruel sadists; over the centuries there have been tons of them; hardly any of the “good” ones ever DO anything about the evil in their midst; and what, we all continue to look the other way? I’m DONE
LOLOL thank you for that
I know no microscopic biology but I imagine other natural cells encountering such a cell and recoiling from it the same way dogs who sniff a robot dog and sense nothing are legit highly freaked out 😂
I get your point— but in truth thrift stores have started charging tons more in the last few years. Boomer zombies might also go “but honey look, they’re charging $1 per fork!” , which, yeah but I’m not doing a whole yard sale for your crap Mom.
“YARD” sale, like any of us has one of THOSE lol