This is a good one, I salute you! RDR2 is one of my favorite games of all time, I had to clutch my pearls for a minute there!
I'm trying to remember to do the same, I'm so used to saying nothing for fear of being the one post people pick to be the one they downvote to hell for no reason. It's like I want to interact now but as @magnetosphere put it I have PRSD - Post Reddit Stress Disorder
Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries.
I hope that helped!
But...your name is eggy...
41 year old woman here. I was born with gaming, I will die with gaming. Do not hide your gaming from the get go. Put it in your profile. Its a huge part of my life, so finding that in a partner is a must in my book. There are women out there that share my sentiment, and some that just like games or don't care.
Tbh I miss being able to use them sometimes. It's really only reddit where I've seen people lose their minds over an emoji.
Am oldish (42), going to be alone if I get to older, ready to have robot friend to keep me from going completely insane.
Actually now that I think about it, can I get one sooner?