[-] blade_barrier@lemmy.ml 4 points 7 hours ago

America pays for like 15% of Ukraine's military apparatus.

[-] blade_barrier@lemmy.ml 0 points 7 hours ago

Unfortunately, socialism discourages and eventually kills off broism.

[-] blade_barrier@lemmy.ml -5 points 7 hours ago

Well, if it can't be monetized, then you're probably suck at whatever you're doing, so it's not that big of a loss. Hope that makes you feel better.

[-] blade_barrier@lemmy.ml 1 points 7 hours ago

Is international law important or not?

[-] blade_barrier@lemmy.ml 1 points 10 hours ago

The next election is the mechanism that makes them fulfill the promises they’ve made during their campaign

Why are you saying this? Who's the target audience of this bs? What makes you say that if it's demonstrably false? Elected politicians don't keep their promises, they just don't.

If your politicians aren’t afraid of losing the next election

Is Trump scared to loose the next election?

what is wrong with me hiring someone to hire more people?

It's perfectly fine, but unrelated to the question at hand. You don't hire politicians.

What is your counterargument other than “no”?

"No" is actually a stronger argument than yours bc you're making a positive statement here and the burden of proof is on you.

You can’t own people, you never did, what are you trying to ask here?

I dunno. I guess your initial analogy was shit that explained nothing. Don't use analogies then.

[-] blade_barrier@lemmy.ml -1 points 14 hours ago

You can simplify where you can, but as technology advances it gets more complex to manufacture

And according to you, socialism is necessary for further technological advances. Why? How come we managed to have technological advances without socialism for 99% of human history?

As for quality of life metrics, things like literacy rates and life expectancies, home ownership and mortality rates

So as I said, arbitrary bs socialists deem important.

The Catholic Church should not determine this as they do not base their beliefs in known material reality.

I understand that you have different gods. Catholics have Jesus and socialists have material reality. But that's just your opinion, man.

I am fairly certain that you’re a troll, though, so I don’t see much point in continuing this.

Sorry for not accepting socialist dogmas unquestionably.

[-] blade_barrier@lemmy.ml -1 points 14 hours ago

Are you accusing me of not reading your mind? Is it my problem you can't write coherent sentences? Now that's trolling.

[-] blade_barrier@lemmy.ml 1 points 14 hours ago

Through elections

Umm, no. Elected politicians can do whatever tf they want. There's no legal mechanism to make them fulfill the promises they made during their campaign.

That we elected

Not to mention that elected politicians aren't controlled by the people, most of the government positions aren't elected.

Through democracy

Democracy is when Government is owned by people. People own government through democracy. Great argument.

If I ask a friend to water my plants, do I no longer own the plants?

If you ask government to persecute people who break the law, do you no longer own people who break the law?

[-] blade_barrier@lemmy.ml -2 points 14 hours ago

You’re trying to make an argument for solipsism, and against science

  1. No, I don't. I'd actually call myself a primitive realist.
  2. Science and solipsism is not a dichotomy.

If you truly believed this, then you’d have no problem walking in front of an oncoming truck, as it may as well not be “real,”

Believed what? At what point in our conversation did I state my beliefs?

Instead, we can know the real world through testing and confirming material reality

Maybe stop spawning unnecessary entities? Here you say there's real world and then there's material reality. Wtf are those and what's the difference between them? Are there other worlds? Are there other realities? Just stop for a second and try to comprehend what you're writing.

[-] blade_barrier@lemmy.ml 1 points 15 hours ago

No wtf. Democracy is state that holds elections. Wtf is "owned and controlled by the people"? How are people supposed to control the government? The government is controlled by govt officials. Common people don't control shit. How can a government be owned by people? Is government even a property that can be owned? That doesn't make any sense.

[-] blade_barrier@lemmy.ml 13 points 1 day ago

No. "Socialized medicine" is not "people owning the means of production"

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