OK, who are you voting for, then?
Not to be That Guy, but it’s “pandemonium”.
My old land line was almost the same number as an entertainment venue whose number spelled TICKETS. People would sometimes dial 1 instead of 4 (corresponding to the letter I), and get me. Usually on weekend mornings, grr, but fortunately it didn’t happen too often.
I agree, but I think a significant portion of the population has become genuinely detached from reality. They may be awful people too, of course.
Yeah, it’s actually kind of impressive how they’ve retained all of the negative aspects of organized religion and none of the positive ones.
I used to have an orange Handspring Visor PIM, which ran the Palm OS. If I’m remembering correctly the original team that developed the Palm Pilot left to start Handspring. My friend topped me by buying the phone module for hers. It seemed almost breathtakingly futuristic at the time.
Exactly. I understand the impulse, but catching them in a contradiction is pointless because they have no actual principles.
Yes, my dad was career military, and he explained to me that the practice was informally called "up or out".
Are there any photographs of this woman where she doesn’t look smug?
Exactly. While I don’t think he is stupid, the guy was born rich, so it’s hardly a surprise that he has a lot of money.
You see the same phenomenon on Stack Overflow sometimes. A confidently incorrect answer will be marked as correct with a tremendously high score, while the actual correct answer languishes somewhere below.
They are descended from horses brought over by Europeans.