Write a web server with a countdown that sends you regularly a link via email to reset the countdown.
You could use React Native, so the language would be Javascript / Typescript.
came to mind. It uses web technology to make a terminal. I've never used it, so I have no idea if it works well or not.
Oh yeah, thanks.
— George R. R. Martin
Take a look at "Lovers in a dangerous spacetime". It's a cute, fun coop game with fairly simple controls. And I'm pretty sure it was developed with non-gamer partners in mind.
In diesem Artikel ist eine Karte eingebettet. https://taz.de/Aktivist-ueber-Demos-im-laendlichen-Raum/!5988263/
As far as I know, the idea with holding gold in bank storage is, that if hyperinflation occurs, the currency becomes worthless and there will be economic upheaval, but it will not be the apocalypse. And then a new currency will be created and everybody who held physical assets instead of the old currency will be in a way better position.
Fedora Sericea (Silverblue variant with sway)
It's a series of numbers from a TV show called Lost.
Honorable mention: the GNU Taler project
Could be a better alternative to crypto.