[-] boogetyboo@aussie.zone 1 points 1 day ago

Nah that's the currawong

[-] boogetyboo@aussie.zone 14 points 1 day ago

Having bought 2 in my lifetime so far my approach has always been to say bugger all to the agent. I owe them nothing. If I have questions I ask, if they ask me questions I give them the most limited information possible, obviously being polite. I always kept my cards close to my chest until it was time to lift the auction paddle.

Say very little; it's none of their business. Dress how you normally would.

[-] boogetyboo@aussie.zone 10 points 1 day ago

I get a strong 'my mate's company bought too much of this for a project and asked if I wanted it for pennies on the pound so I said yeah, put it fucking everywhere' vibe

[-] boogetyboo@aussie.zone 3 points 2 days ago

I've heard this phenomenon. That us Aussies go over there, especially to the south and are shocked at how cheerful ppl are with their small chat and how you goings as compared to here where we're less inclined to strike up a conversation with a random.

But then I've had American friends explain that it's all surface. That smiling yank agrees with Trump or reports their neighbours to the HOA for having grass over a centimetre high, or wants to go back to the good old days when the blacks knew their place.

Half the country wants Trump back. Fuck that.

[-] boogetyboo@aussie.zone 7 points 4 days ago

And I promise I'm not stalking him. It's only when I start reading comments that are unrelentingly pessimistic and dismissive of people's suggestions that I notice his user name.

[-] boogetyboo@aussie.zone 9 points 4 days ago

Yeah he's an odd one. Just sulks all over Lemmy but gets the shits if you suggest that maybe, just maybe - this isn't helping his situation. I assume it's for attention at this point.

[-] boogetyboo@aussie.zone 4 points 4 days ago

This was great, thanks for posting!

[-] boogetyboo@aussie.zone 43 points 4 days ago

Nothing particularly wrong with this post so enjoy the discussion - but I'd warn you all not to spend too much time giving this guy your advice. He's not here for it, he just wants to wallow, and he'll get agro if you try to help him out.

Check out his post/comment history. It's not worth your time.

[-] boogetyboo@aussie.zone 11 points 5 days ago

I don't know why, but I just felt the urge to go have a look at r/conservatives. It's exactly what you imagine. Dear oh dear

[-] boogetyboo@aussie.zone 17 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Keep the day job for now and start volunteering what time you can spare to a cause that resonates with you.

That might be the night time soup kitchen, or planting trees with your local working bee, or companionship sessions with the local nursing home. You may find an idea for a vocation reveals itself, and be in a position to hear about any opportunities.

Lefty friendly and community work are pretty well aligned so I think that's a start.

I feel you re IT and related industries. I just want to close my laptop and never open it again, but it's not an option right now.


I think that's what it says but that's the error I'd say I get about 40% of the time when trying to view image posts. Is this a sync thing or something else?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by boogetyboo@aussie.zone to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I wear UGG boots in winter because it's fucking cold.

I also wrap myself in a blanket on the couch, and have a lovely area rug so I don't have to walk on a cold floor. All these things are necessary to survive the winter; my house isn't well insulated.

The problem with all this, is that I build up a static charge. So when I go to pat my beautiful sweetheart of a dog, I zap him. It's audible and I'm sure, quite unpleasant. Often on the head. He obviously doesn't like that, I think he's taking it personally, and I feel awful. It completely cancels out the affection I'm trying to show him.

So the question for the Lemmy community is:

How do I discharge the static before I pat my dog? I have started shocking my partner (which he doesn't like, but accepts over the alternative), before patting my dog. But as he's out tonight, I have no human vessel to offer as tribute?

What can I touch in my house before patting my dog so that he doesn't receive a shock?

Edit: standard Australian house and furniture

Another edit: I'm all the sheets to the wind so the engineering advice is not sinking in. But I'm loving the immediate response that I'd never have gotten on Deaddit.

Again: I can't stop giggling at how helpful everyone is being and how short m, drunk and silly I am, in a house with apparently no metal

And again: I should probably take me and my baby to bed now, but a big thank you to everyone who replied. You've all been lovely. Lemmy is really a different space to ask these questions! I'll be trying out many of your suggestions over the weekend; big thanks from me and my boy x

Final: thanks to everyone who responded. I did try the kitchen tap again last night and this time it worked! Mustn't have built up enough charge when I tried the night I posted. I will still primarily zap my partner's leg as it's usually closer and doing it makes me laugh. It's important he understands where he fits in the household hierarchy as well. I also learnt that American houses are very different (screws and radiators everywhere!) so that was interesting too.


I want to get back into creative writing, and for work I prefer to take handwritten notes (I have my own weird shorthand and it helps with retention). I'd also like the ability to write at night and not disturb my partner.

I don't want to go near iOS and the tablet would be primarily used for writing purposes.

Any recommendations or 'what to avoid's?

Sorry if wrong community, I couldn't find another relevant

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by boogetyboo@aussie.zone to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I'm looking for recommendations for app based/nice mobile friendly sites (free ideally, but I'd consider subscription) that can help me keep across news in the tech/UX/design space.

I'm somewhat reliant on my LinkedIn (which is such a toilet and usually just ends up annoying me) for news/emerging issues etc that affect my industry - the main reason being I can scroll through and open things of interest.

I've subscribed to newsletters/bookmarked sites but I just never seem to get round to reading them. Countless emails just stack up sitting unread.

My theory is if it's something I can just look through on my phone when I'd otherwise be doomscrolling, that I'll be more likely to read things.

My work is in the content strategy/design space and I'm in Australia - so bonus points if it has relevance to me in that way. Thanks all!

Edit to add - I used to use Twitter too, but you know... Just no.

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