"Began" -> "increased"
And if the targets are from the US? UK? Ukraine? France? What then? Still good? An attack to kill every US general but with hundreds of civilians wounded or killed?
So you support turning people into suicide bombers without them knowing it. What if the ones with the bomb were from your country? Remember that civilians were hurt too.
To show how dumb is that argument. "My ancestors from 2000 years ago lived there, therefore this land is mine" is as dumb as "my grandmother lived there, therefore this house is mine". With the same reasoning, Italy could claim all the Mediterranean coast belongs to them. And if it's from "God gave us this land", Spain and Portugal divided the Earth (except Europe) for them "because God". Does this mean Spain and Portugal can claim "their land" back?
Who said free? You ask for a travel and you are presented with all the different times and prices. You choose one and go on. You don't care about the name of the train. That's it. Centralize the POS as if it was a supermarket and you were buying cereals.
Asphalt 9 is from 2018. And it's a mobile game ported to Windows.
I meant "can". If the repo is read only you can't change the code.
Klondike solitaire 😁.
Castlevania: SOTN once you know a couple of thing about grinding faster.
Red pill 100%
KDE Neon.
If you live in a little town in the middle of nowhere you won't have public transport. It's too expensive. Private transport it's the only way to go anywhere from there. It's a shame but...
At? Sometimes I don't remember it on the fly