@nixCraft@mastodon.social Yesterday, I tried to help a friend by looking up a kitchen appliance on the Sur La Table web site to see if they carried the product. A few minutes later, I got some spam from some nonentity calling itself surlatable@safeopt.com thanking me for "checking us out." I had not logged in and Firefox was configure to delete cookies when it closes.
I put both on my shit list: what would you do if visited a store and they had someone follow you home and put trash in your mailbox?
@nixCraft@mastodon.social Yesterday, I tried to help a friend by looking up a kitchen appliance on the Sur La Table web site to see if they carried the product. A few minutes later, I got some spam from some nonentity calling itself surlatable@safeopt.com thanking me for "checking us out." I had not logged in and Firefox was configure to delete cookies when it closes.
I put both on my shit list: what would you do if visited a store and they had someone follow you home and put trash in your mailbox?