Great, now we need a safe word just to talk on the phone

I have a 2 year old boy, and he could easily walk 3 miles if he wanted to. He can and does sneak away sometimes , and fast. And he can open doors and locks, and he has no fear or sense of danger.

[-] 12 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I bought a shitty house in shitty Toledo for $48k with zero down and a $13/hr job in 2007. I was roughly 22 at the time.

This is probably not possible today.

Unironically my passwords follow this format

Like how the boy scouts has troop leaders

Kids do active shooter drills today

Does it really matter? REALLY?

Who are you speaking of? How many users are on sync versus all the others?

Our Subaru nags you to check your text messages constantly while driving. Can’t be disabled if you want to use carplay.

Its not “a website”, its many instances of a database with many different ways to tap into it, and you signed up in the most overloaded instance.

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