Its been a long time since I watched it but wasn't that kind of the point?
Kinda based tho tbh
Poked through the site a bit and found the direct link to the Bat House Builder's Handbook for anyone else interested!
Shoot Mycroft got shut down? I remember looking into it a bit ago and filing that away as a future project, rip. I know Homeassistant also has one now too
Your butt contains poop bacteria
Theres some tendency towards tribalism that is probably a human thing though right? Wasn't that the main social unit for humans through prehistory?
I mean I think capital gains needs to be rolled into income tax too
Worth noting that how we calculate inflation itself has changed significantly though.
I just switched to using Kagi recently and I like it a lot so far! Theres a free tier for 100/searches a month you can use to figure out if you like it.
Isn't that just called intranet?
ChatGPT isn't the entirety of AI, AI research has been going on much longer than ChatGPT has been around
Take my pants all the way off when I poop