[-] cybersecurity@poliverso.org 3 points 1 week ago

@willya these days, I still get excited when a fairly well-known entity opens an account in the Fediverse.

[-] cybersecurity@poliverso.org 4 points 1 week ago


Mastodon posts tend to get funky when they federate, because Mastodon has this (annoying) norm of starting posts with mentions. So OP mentioned the community on the first line, which became the first part of the title - @fediverse. Second, it mentions Kagi as a tag instead of name, which gives the @kagihq. And then comes the first sentence as the rest of the title.

I'm not writing from Mastodon, but from Friendica

It's a great example of Lemmy/Mastodon interoperability working, but not being quite there yet.

The mentions problem seems to be only for PieFed, but it doesn't happen with Lemmy

I think it should be reported as an issue to PieFed developers

[-] cybersecurity@poliverso.org 6 points 1 week ago

@rglullis yes, exactly. To avoid misunderstandings, I changed the title (I hope he updates Lemmy too)

[-] cybersecurity@poliverso.org 3 points 1 week ago

@RootBeerGuy in fact the title could be misunderstood... 😐

[-] cybersecurity@poliverso.org -3 points 1 week ago

@viking you are right: this is a serious criticality. However, Kagi aims to provide an optimal search service, but it is not focused on anonymity.

From that point of view, Brave's search engine is much better, which has improved a lot

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by cybersecurity@poliverso.org to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

Welcome to Kagi, the paid search engine full of surprises, which today opened an account in the Fediverse!


@kagihq is the very interesting project for a paid search engine, without tracers and with an accuracy in identifying results such as to exclude all Google spam.

Those who believe that #Kagi's costs are too high, should reflect on a small detail: if Google lets all those searches be done "for free", who pays those costs? The answer might seem simple: "advertisers".

Yet this would be an incomplete answer: like saying that rain is caused by clouds!

In reality, those costs are paid by users, by being milked and letting Google extract their "value", a bit like in the human farm in Matrix...

We first heard about Kagi on the @lealternative website (unfortunately, since then the prices have increased a lot, raising many doubts about the sustainability of the project) and recently Cory Doctorow also talked about it on @pluralistic

In any case, we are really happy that a service like Kagi's, effective and respectful of users' privacy, has landed here in the #Fediverse.



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