"There was a post, [pause], I forget who wrote it" <- the kind of thing I have said several times attempting to avoid leaking rationalist-evidence-bits.
gotta keep that power level under wraps
"There was a post, [pause], I forget who wrote it" <- the kind of thing I have said several times attempting to avoid leaking rationalist-evidence-bits.
gotta keep that power level under wraps
Keep in mind that, for theologically conservative (“the Bible is historically and spiritually accurate”) Christians like myself,
rationalists whoo
I was at Manifest as a volunteer, and I also saw much of the same behaviour as you. If I had known scientific racism or eugenics were acceptable topics of conversation there, I wouldn’t have gone. I’m increasingly glad I decided not to organise a talk.
EA needs to recognise that even associating with scientific racists and eugenicists turns away many of the kinds of bright, kind, ambitious people the movement needs. I am exhausted at having to tell people I am an EA ‘but not one of those ones’. If the movement truly values diversity of views, we should value the people we’re turning away just as much.
my brother in the Acausal Robot God, I have some unfortunate news about what your fellow EAs have espoused for the past twenty years.
Austin from Manifest responds that leftist views would obviously much more damaging to EA than racist ones, because reasons.
and yet you signed up to Awful Systems
Every article on pronatalism in the past few years has been these two Thiel-sponsored white nationalist dweebs and nobody else. Why the fuck does the Guardian fall for this shit too.
I have written about Balaji's amazing brain previously. Wait till you get to the PiTato. He's one of the VCs who was super scared by GPT-3, I think because you could replace his twitter with an LLM and the quality would go up.
tired: polyamory on a basis of mutual love
wired: neoreactionary harem with stack ranking
Catholics, well known for their low fertility
Welcome to the abyss! Here's your hazmat suit with a leak! It sucks here!
always love* it when these guys get so race scientist they start on different groups of white people
and - a key point - his prospective tradwaifus don't want him
greatest point against him being a rationalist is the 262 word manifesto, it would be 20,000 words with sections numbered I. II. III. and possibly diagrams