[-] dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago

Please point out to me where I said it was okay to dox people. I'll wait....

[-] dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

Mercedes and BMW were never known for reliability. They were known for combining luxury and a great driving experience, which couldn't be had from any other car company, even Porsche (which was only about driving not luxury until recently) or Cadillac (only luxury and not driving until recently). German engineering has been famous for poor reliability since at least the early 80s.

[-] dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 85 points 1 day ago

It doesn't keep the voters in the dark about anything. It further cements the fact that nobody with any power to do so is willing to actually hold Trump accountable for the many crimes he has committed. It has been 4 fucking years since he has been president and 8 fucking years since this specific crime was committed. They should have sentenced him immediately after conviction like any normal convicted criminal. I guarantee if he gets elected he won't get sentenced, so why postpone sentencing?

[-] dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

Isn't this always the case, though? What about EVs changes what cars are sent to developing countries?

If the world is buying more cars and therefore more cars are being sent to developing countries, how does the new car being an EV change what cars or how many cars are sent? Before EVs many people still bought new cars every 3 to 5 years, and the old cars got sold to someone. It doesn't matter who bought them, since the gas was still being burned. Now, the same thing is true but the new car might be an EV, and the old car might also be an EV (I've traded in 2 full EVs already for new cars).

[-] dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 12 points 1 day ago

So your response to feeling possibly in danger by someone calling you by the wrong name is to murder them? That's totally normal and not at all unhinged.

[-] dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 0 points 1 day ago


Show me where that implosion is. Just because Tesla is the biggest and is slowing down doesn't mean the entire market is slowing down.

[-] dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

It's wild how fast he went from absolute hero to absolute outcast.

[-] dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

What are they doing in that apartment complex? If they are selling drugs or trafficking people, that's already against the law and doesn't need a new bill. If they are trying some complex plan to overthrow the county and make it a Venezuelan enclave, then well, maybe something needs to be done other than enforcing existing laws. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of people from the same community living together.

[-] dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 46 points 2 days ago

Cases like this are frustrating. Spotify should NOT be able to stream any artist they want without paying them. But the judge said that's OK because the victims waited too long to complain. The judge also said it's totally OK that Spotify doesn't have a list of what is legal for them to stream, simply because the list is constantly changing. This isn't a paper list typed out by some secretary. This is a computer database that can be checked a thousand times a second.

There's also the fact that who was the actual copyright holder was questionable and changed hands during the whole thing, so nobody knew who they should be contracting with.

[-] dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

Yeah, you're right, what was I thinking? Your second-hand knowledge is totally more accurate than my firsthand knowledge. I definitely didn't have technical conversations with him about propellant margins due to boil-off during coast. I absolutely wasn't there when he agilely and correctly answered a barrage of technical questions from a 3-star General.

I'm not saying he is all-knowing and all-powerful. I don't doubt he is so arrogant that he would ramble on about something he doesn't understand... especially magnetism, since I never understood that shit even after years of physics classes during college. But just because he is an idiot about the deep physics behind how electric cars run doesn't mean he is stupid about all things.

[-] dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 22 points 3 days ago

I've been in meetings with him when he was still active at SpaceX and before he truly dove off the deep end. I had direct conversations with him telling him his engineers were wrong about something. He was quite intelligent and knew his shit. He was arrogant and a dick, but it was obvious he knew a LOT about the rockets he was building. He wasn't doing the engineering, but he definitely understood the work going on.

Now, though, the dude is a fucking lunatic. I don't know if he just started taking too many drugs or if the billions of dollars made something break in his mind or what, but he was not like this back then.

[-] dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 20 points 3 days ago

This should not be public record. I hate that when I register in CA my info gets sent to every spamming piece of shit political group.

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