[-] douglasg14b@programming.dev 13 points 2 months ago

Am I saying you are scientifically illiterate?

Based on the previous statements, yes. However, as a matter of fact, not necessarily insult.

The good news is you're following up with questions and want to learn more, instead of doubling down. With curiosity you will become more literate.

Maybe you were born with all the knowledge of the human race, but the rest of us have to learn it.

The education system in the country you are from has failed you. Assuming you are in your mid-late teens, or older, scientific topics should have already been taught in what North America would call "middle school" (11-14 years old). That teaches you things like conservation of momentum.

There is a reason why it's called illiteracy, because there is an expectation that the baseline level of education everyone in developed countries receives teaches them the fundamentals of how the world around them works. Without this fundamental understanding it's not possible to understand more complex topics that build upon it, stunting growth.

[-] douglasg14b@programming.dev 15 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Equal and opposite reaction.

There's a law for this. The matter is "pushing" against the ship, it doesn't have to push against anything else.

In fact having an atmosphere to push against actually reduces the effectiveness of thrust due to atmospheric pressure, which must be overcome. Which is why different engines are designed to run in atmosphere versus out of atmosphere.

If you throw a baseball in space you have transferred momentum to that baseball, pushing you back. You will move in the opposite direction (likely spin because you just imparted angular momentum onto yourself since you didn't throw from center of mass)

[-] douglasg14b@programming.dev 30 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Given how many people think that railguns have no recoil because "there is no explosion" they might actually seriously believe what they just wrote.

Scientific illiteracy is through the roof.

Or maybe it's the same as it it's always been it's just that people that are scientifically illiterate are given platforms to speak their illiteracy as truth.

[-] douglasg14b@programming.dev 13 points 3 months ago

Because your conservative funded news outlets have a very overt goal here.

[-] douglasg14b@programming.dev 40 points 3 months ago

The CEO is a right wing trump worshiper.

Dig into the company's tweet history, and find archived tweets that were deleted for PR/white-washing reasons.

Long history of this stuff.

[-] douglasg14b@programming.dev 52 points 3 months ago

This is what fundamental scientific illiteracy gets you.

When you have no reference point for how the world around you works anything makes sense.

[-] douglasg14b@programming.dev 28 points 3 months ago
[-] douglasg14b@programming.dev 20 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

There are markup languages for this purpose. And you store the rich text as normal text in that markup language. For the most part.

It's typically an XML or XML-like language, or bb-codes. MS Word for example uses XML to store the markup data for the rich text.

Simpler and more limited text needs tend to use markdown these days, like Lemmy, or most text fields on GitHub.

There's no need to include complex technology stacks into it!

Now the real hard part is the rendering engine for WYSIWYG. That's a nightmare.


I'm looking for some sort of chores calendar where we can set up scheduled chores each day and assign an owner to them.

If those chores are not done then they start to stack onto the next day.

My spouse and I need to hold each other accountable for the chores and tasks in which we are assigned. And I think a great way to represent that is showing how uncompleted chores stack up, they don't go away, the time it takes to complete them still exists as a form of debt to our free time.

Are there any open source projects that do this sort of thing or help with keeping up with the home, tasks, & household chores?


GitHub: https://github.com/microsoft/garnet

Just saw this today and I am pretty stoked. It's just a drop in replacement and performs > 10x faster under workloads with many client connections. Not that I found redis slow, but in Enterprise workloads that's a lot of money saved. $50k Garnet clusters handling similar workloads for $5k would be significant.

It being essentially entirely written in C# makes it pretty easy to read, understand, contribe to, and extend. Custom functions in C# have a pretty low barrier to entry.

I get that there's probably going to be a lot of hate just because this is released by Microsoft developers.... But in my opinion the C# ecosystem is one of the best to build on.

[-] douglasg14b@programming.dev 14 points 11 months ago

I go full chaos and look up where I last used it when I need a snippet...

[-] douglasg14b@programming.dev 18 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

And what does it imply?

That an AI might be better at writing documentation than the average dev, who is largely inept at writing good documentation?

Understandably, as technical writing isn't exactly a focus point or career growing thing for most devs. If it was, we would be writing much better code as well.

I've seen my peers work, they could use something like this. I'd welcome it.

[-] douglasg14b@programming.dev 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah but the ecosystem drags it about as far down as you can go.

Backend development for large applications relies on stability, the JS ecosystem has anything except stability.This is okay for FE development where you naturally have a lot of churn.

It's a reasonable expectation that a backend built today should be maintenance free and stable over the next 5-10 years if no more features or bugfixes are required. And is buildable, as is, anywhere in that timeframe with minimal or zero additional work.

Additionally, strong backends in the same ecosystem are similar, they use similar technologies, similar configs, similar patterns, and similar conventions. This is not the case for JS/TS backends, there is incredible churn that hurts their long term stability and the low-maintenance requirements of strong enterprise, and even more importantly small businesses backends.

Mature ecosystems provide this by default this is why C#/Java is so popular for these long-standing, massive, enterprise systems. Because they are stable, they have well established conventions, and are consistent across codebases and enterprises.

This is a perspective most devs in the ecosystem lack, given that half of all developers have < 5 years of experience and the vast majority of that is weighted into the JS ecosystem. It takes working with systems written in python, TS, JS, C#, Java....etc to gain the critical insight necessary to evaluate what is actually important in backend development.

Edit: to be clear this isn't just shitting on JavaScript because that's what people do, I work with it everyday, TS is by far my favorite language. 2/3 of my career is with JS/TS. This is recognizing actual problems that are not singularly solvable with the ecosystem that pulls down its liability for backend development. There are languages and ecosystems are much better for your back end it's not that scary to learn a new language (many of my co-workers would disagree it's not scary 😒)

[-] douglasg14b@programming.dev 14 points 1 year ago

If you do this enough you know how to design your solutions to be relatively flexible. At least for your backends.

Your frontend will always churn, that's the nature of the job.


Found this in my feed, it's pretty neat, and at a surface level should make some of the pain points in my location based game much less difficult.

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