Contradiction in terms
A lot less than Americans think. Going from memory it's about 6-8% of calories.
Not really "appeasement" of course, more "capitulation" - by all indications he's a plant.
As strong as the drywall they're pulling against, at least.
Congress has the power to impeach him and remove him from office. Of course, like the last 10 or so war criminal presidents of the U.S., they don't. Likewise, the courts have the power to neuter his presidency - and had the power to put him in prison - but don't, and didn't.
The precise reason why the solution has always been total system replacement. From within or without.
Funny how they find themselves on the same side as Republicans and Zionists - blaming the Palestinians for their own genocide. Different path to get there, but the same destination.
It's already done.
Sanctions not going through Congress, it's insane that's considered constitutional
~12% for a widely speculated upon stock, not really.
It means I should have read the article before I posted that.
Rest of the world understands solidarity better than U.S. voters
It does not ignore that, rather it explicitly takes that into account.
The caveat to my statement would ONLY be "so long as we're using this system."
Please focus more on accurate logic.