I highly recommend this video that explains gacha games and how they objectify women and sometimes men.
You know, that would be a worthwhile discussion to have; but that hinges on the mods not banning and removing the comments of anyone with a critical perspective. As of now, this is not possible on lemmy.ml.
I guess for "Flugzeug", 'device' works better but I don't think I have ever thought about it in that way. From my experience usage usually goes more like this: "Pack dein Zeug zusammen wir gehen weiter." which I think best translates to 'Stuff' or 'things'. Zeug is an interesting word though. It is also used for the harness of a draft animal ("sich ins Zeug legen"), it's bridle ("Zaumzeug"), bed linen ("Bettzeug"), work tools ("Werkzeug") , or as a word for nonsense ("red kein dummes Zeug"). I would say it started, as you said, as a word for device but became a slightly negative word for 'Stuff'.
Nobody ever accused powershell of being concise. Its uses a completely different philosophy, object oriented rather than string based. This makes powershell nicer to write scripts in but also makes it worse at bash style one-liner commands.
Are people really getting skill issued by Nextcloud? The official docker images always worked well for me. I used the Nextcloud apache docker image, connected it with postgresql and a nginx reverse proxy that handles SSL. Never had any major problems with Nextcloud. I only stopped selfhosting because I found a cheaper alternative that handles Nextcloud hosting for me.
Bountysource was owned by a company called The Blockchain Group and it looks like the parent company went bankrupt taking Bountysource down with them. Its hard to say if Bountysource could have survived if it wasn't sold to some cryptocurrency companies.
There isn't much to it. Its barely coherent nonsense.