It would become Twitter.
Can't wait for the bots to tell us what they learned about b2b marketing!
I agree strongly with your gut reaction. I personally use it as the archive of record whenever I digitize some media that would otherwise be lost. I use it when trying to establish how something looked in the past. I don't need IA to go out and pick losing fights with publishers at the expense of the excellent services they already provide.
It should be noted that if you want digital book loans Libby is fine.
N64 runs ok on pi? Since when? Which PI?
The nice thing about Samba is that you can find clients for everything.
So like systemd but ten times more dramatic.
x86 apps? Awesome.
In Excession it felt more like
The Culture is a race of intelligent starships that keeps humans as pets.
I still don't understand why IA picked a fight with publishers with the emergency library.
IA provides a really valuable service and they're an incredibly juicy target. Going on anti-copyright crusades isn't their mission.
For the tower defense enthusiast.
If students hide their phones instead of being distracted by them, isn't that mission accomplished?
Well it sets an upper bound on compute requirements at 'simulate 10^27 atoms for thirty years' remains to be seen if what we can optimize away ever converges with what's feasible to build.