Next you'll be seeing bs gaslighting articles saying "American carmakers are being driven to bankruptcy thanks to millenials' changing preferences"
i don't doubt that linux has its uses and command-line is powerful. What I'm saying is >80% of users only know how to use a GUI, and that is why linux won't go mainstream without having a GUI for everything user-facing.
this is exactly how I feel! I don't get any sense of achievement from running a certain distance or running faster than I did before, and it feels terrible (and I know I can stop that feeling if i just stop running). Almost every other sport gets me that sense of achievement but requires more time, money or effort in some form.
but it is what society these days think of social platforms
Scrolling through the first page, I see lots of common words like "traffic", "reach", "impressions", "engagement"... funny, i don't see the word "memes".
These sort of fines should always be tied to a percentage of the company revenue to be meaningful.
Good luck on your medieval battle reënactment or orgy.
Could be both at once.
C'mon read the whole thing man, its a no-shit post.
really? why?
if that's a real photo, it's actually a little terrifying.
Obviously not - American clients were its bread and butter then.
Aren't forums technically social media as well?