A speech-to-text / dictation system geared towards writing documentation.
I would love a text based ActivityPub client focused on meaningful discussions: threaded view, ability to follow threads or branches, highlight posts based on keywords.
alerting people to their presence
Is many legal systems the driver is responsible for not running people over.
People panic about face scan while the ongoing massive privacy breaches exist around online services and electronic devices. The amount of personal data that people pour into smartphones is enormous compared to using that vending machine. We need more GDPR.
Github is designed to centralize git (as the word "hub" suggests). You can still migrate away code, issues and wikis, but contributors, followers, wiki editors, issue subscribers, visibility in general and github stars are locked in. Discoverability matters to projects trying to attract contributors.
I did the survey but please would you mind identifying yourself and linking to the research paper when it's ready?
I'm not a psychologist but it sounds a bit like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reaction_formation - "You want me not to pollute so I pollute even more"
Does OrganicMaps have editing abilities?
I'm surprised nobody pointed out that tyres are extremely polluting:
Software licenses cannot solve every problem and AGPL is still the best option.
There are many larger problems related to FOSS including freeloading, right of repair, surveillance, lock-in... and they require social solutions rather than new licenses.
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Without the traditional distribution workflow what prevents flatpaks to be full of security issues? Unfortunately sandboxing cannot protect the data you put in the application.