Here in Belgium nearly every household has a friteuse to make fries.
Long live netcat
What happened that made you so mad at Mozilla?
If this is an American hamster, I hope it's got a decent job with good health insurance.
Yeah, I never heard anyone tell their height in centimetres. It's always like "I'm 1 metre 71" or so.
Yes, and the researchers I know doing stuff with AI find the idea of AGI laughable.
Wow, I never knew that the day itself also was different in some places! I'm looking forward to the day it's finally abolished here.
I don't understand all these daylight savings memes. Over here it's on the last Sunday of March. Is it different in the Americas?
Which language? In the languages I know, computer is masculine.
Are streetcars like trams? Because over here I love taking the tram in largerish cities like Ghent, they're like busses but faster.
It apparently used to be a thing over here when my grandparents were young. People just liked toilet paper better.
Saltlakrits. It's amazing.