To find a partner and start a family? Or to dress so that people make fun of you online?
Ultima Thule was a Swedish white nationalist band back in the day.
On a historical analogy, Scott's case seems quite analogous to the historical case of Baruch Spinoza.
Thanks for the link, I figured as much.
I decided there was no point in engaging the person in polemic on this matter (it's the kind of forum where that kind of behavior will just get the comment deleted) so decided to just add the person to my (literal) shitlist, only to discover they're already on it! Correlation or causation something something.
Every day I learn something new and terrible, thanks internet.
As long as he's writing collab forum pr0n and not hindering the creation of the Acausal Robot God, it's all good.
Edit Yud is living disproof of the thesis that spending a large number of hours doing something makes one good at it.
OK my knowledge of Bayes is rusty at best, but isn't the idea that the occurrences should be relatively common, and/or not correlated?
So far, there has been zero or one[1] lab leak that led to a world-wide pandemic. Before COVID, I doubt anyone was even thinking about the probabilities of a lab leak leading to a worldwide pandemic.
Also, ideally, if there was a lab leak, then people running labs would take note and ensure that that particular failure mode doesn't happen again. Thus the probability of an occurrence would be less than the first time it happened, because people actually take note of what has happened and change stuff.
Scottyboy could have used something that has occurred multiple times, like a nuclear powerplant accident, but his audience loves nuclear power, so that's a non-starter. Also it's a given that the mainstream press is the big bad in the fight against nuclear, just because serious accidents with widespread death and economic destruction happen again and again with nuclear power.
Raising the lab leak "hypothesis" is just signalling to his base.
[1] depending on where you stand in current US politics
I remember this... wasn't this on old Sneerclub?
I think the consensus was, you still need to brush your teeth to avoid gingivitis, which is at least as big a deal for dental health as caries.
I believe there's a normal progression for any cult where they are convinced that The Man is out to get them.
SneerClub posters
Senpai has noticed us!!!!
All of them, Jim. All of them.