Great to know! I donated 6 $ and I'm waiting for them to open the browser to translations
Talk is cheap, get contributing! Donate, translate or code. That way we'll have a proper way out of Mozilla sooner
With 6-day weeks (which have their own set of advantages) you can have 12 perfect 5-week months and an extra leap week that dissappears every 8 years
10 % is really good!
We must rally behind score voting, and not ranked choice (at least that is, if we want actual reform to stick)
These are different ways to fill the same ballot! In score voting you give every party a score (in this case from 0 to 99). This was the example of a die-hard Democrat. A more moderate voter might vote something like Dems 50, GOP 60, or Dems 30, GOP 25
First time around Dems would probably vote Dems 99, GOP 0 and leave every other party blank, but over time people would realise that you can ALSO score your actual favourite (think of all the people that would vote Green if it wasn't a wasted vote) a 99 without hurting the "lesser evil's" chances. Greens 99, Dems 99 and GOP 0 is just as bad for the GOP as Greens blank, Dems 99 and GOP 0. That's the magic of score voting. And people who are really apathetic and refuse to vote because they think all parties are bad could still express an opinion akin to Dems 10, GOP 0, rest empty.
I get that, but even my .ods files get slightly fucked up when I only ever edit them with LibreOffice. That being said, I'm a staunch supporter and I will always send my text files as .odt and my slideshows as .odp, and I keep donating money in hopes it'll improve in the future (and for fuck's sake, the UI shouldn't be that important, but it is. It might as well be one of the biggest barriers of entry for normies, it's not a good thing that FOSS always looks either outdated or overcomplicated)
I wish range voting can be implemented somewhere so people see its power
That's similar to how it works in Singapore, where housing is fully public
Igual te interesa echarle un ojo a postmarketOS. Están haciendo un sistema operativo para teléfonos forkeado directamente de Alpine Linux, en vez de AOSP