[-] glockenspiel@programming.dev 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Yeah people don't really understand that HOAs are a two way street in most states. Bad HOAs exist because of bad neighbors, neglectful neighbors, or both. All it takes to right a ship is to show up and vote (or fill out the paper absentee ballot...) when the yearly elections happen. And then show up to some meetings so quorum can be met.

My HOA has to reschedule important meetings several times a year because nobody can be bothered to show up for a 30 minute meeting every quarter so quorum is met. Bad HOAs are like bad local unions. They only have power because you let them have power. Lobby your neighbors to do something about it. Unfortunately my experience is such that the typical homeowner who chooses to live in an HOA does so because they want to be rorLly hands off as much as possible. Kind of the opposite of the default pictures people have of obsessive neighbors in HOAs.

[-] glockenspiel@programming.dev 33 points 1 month ago

Probably the people—accurately—pointing out that Mozilla has also adopted Manifest V3 along with Google. Google is doing it to curtail (“kill”) ad blockers. Mozilla is also now in the advertising game, and secretly began a telemetry program which is opt-out only. And, given how we shouldn’t trust orgs with financial motive, very well could opt you back in with future updates exactly as Microsoft does.

Plus, their current CEO has a history, and Mozilla as a whole faces dicey times ahead if their Daddy Google is forced to stop buying exclusivity deals by the U.S. government.

So take your pick I guess.

[-] glockenspiel@programming.dev 30 points 1 month ago

How do you mean “the other side?” EFF has a high factuality/credibility but is marked as left of center in bias.

EFF, like ACLU, are mostly orgs that stick to their expertise. Look at entities rated as “Very High.” The climate science orgs don’t and shouldn’t give time entertaining the deranged conspiracy theories of science deniers, nor should EFF focus on advancing rhe worldviews of entities looking to limit speech on the internet. It would be like demanding AA set aside time at meetings to discuss the merits of getting black out drunk once in a while.

Sure, many sides exist. But mere existence doesn’t make them equal.

[-] glockenspiel@programming.dev 22 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Go onto TikTok or Reddit (verboten, I know). Gen Z is currently going wild on how cooked and ruined Alpha already are.

They also have very strong opinions on what good child rearing looks like despite making up a huge portion of the child free ideology.

I generally dislike broad generational.. uh generalizations. However, trends are undeniable. And as Z ages they appear to be going through Boomerification. I think that’s why so many public freakouts on service workers happen with them. Millennials have the opposite reputation, of bending over backwards to be overly polite.

Edit: to say that I’ve never seen a generation publicly express nostalgia as hard and young as Z. My older Alpha kids are sort of up there with their friends, too, but Gen Z just seems like they are retreating into a false past which never really existed as they remember it because the world is so shit.

[-] glockenspiel@programming.dev 68 points 8 months ago

After they stripped embassy security funding for it, naturally.

[-] glockenspiel@programming.dev 33 points 11 months ago

Exactly. I’m a far-leftist, and I’m as disgusted with leftist hot takes the same way I was when poor old defenseless Russia invaded Ukraine and started murdering their children.

I’ve blocked and purged so many leftist creators in 24 hours it is unreal. Spreading legit anti-Semitic (really anti-Jew) conspiracy theories (“curious how nobody stopped it” and the like). Reframing these terrorists as freedom fighters like you said. Blaming this on the U.S. somehow (because we made Iran do this via Hamas as proxy; but Iran has clean hands don’t worry they are just another oppressed peoples).

Far too many leftists, like their right wing nut counterparts, are contrarians at heart. This is what happens when political ideology becomes a personality trait; it becomes akin to a religion.

So thoroughly disgusted by it all. Bad enough what’s happening over there in Israel and Palestine right now; bad enough with all the innocent lives being lost; but then to justify industrial grade rape and murder of men, women, and children? And cheer Palestinians on as they record, edit, and upload their barbarity?

I’d like to believe that a lot of it are disinformation ops, but the sad reality is probably that a fair number of people have nothing left to live for because their lives are shit so the world burning down for others isn’t such a big deal for them.

[-] glockenspiel@programming.dev 22 points 11 months ago

People really need to stop this celebrity obsession. He's a dad trick or treating with his daughter a few years ago. It is beyond ridiculous that people not only tolerate this, but cheer it on.

[-] glockenspiel@programming.dev 42 points 1 year ago

Citations Needed had a mini series where they discussed why this happened. The US government will give material support to movie and game studios in exchange for some creative control over the content. That’s why so many movies with military equipment in it are rabidly pro-war; the studios don’t get access to the real equipment without the government’s support, and they don’t sign off on extremely critical scripts.

COD and similar games don’t just pop out of a void and still strive for some semblance of realism. That is a huge selling point after all. So the government gets involved, even if in little ways. Same way China gets to censor movies, either by omission or fundamentally changing things, around the world.

[-] glockenspiel@programming.dev 76 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

A tale as old as time. Rightists aren’t original, which is why their media/comedians/movies/music/religions are terrible.

Fascists cannot grow without co-opting leftist language. So yes, very worried.

Edit: not related to this shitpost. People here seriously need to watch Prager’s content. They twist our shit up with their crazy.

[-] glockenspiel@programming.dev 32 points 1 year ago

Conservatives: pErSoNal ReSpOnSiBiLiTy.

Also Conservatives: No, not like that! My feelings!!!

[-] glockenspiel@programming.dev 27 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Basically the atheist dad yelling and screaming at his daughter for not being gay and not wanting to have abortions. Typical fundie Christians projecting their inner most thoughts and darkest desires onto their opponents thinking.

[-] glockenspiel@programming.dev 22 points 1 year ago

I see a lot of people taking issue with how it was handled. An obvious troll controlling sock puppets apparently spurred this, sure.

But the mods of Lemmy World went on a reddit-like spiteful ban spree, apparently forgetting that we can all see their modlogs or simply not caring about it. People got up in arms over the very childish and assholish behavior of the Lemmy World mods, and folks were eventually unbanned in some cases, but still banned from the main communities as punishment. For example, people saying they would just leave and federate their own instance got banned with mod messages telling them "let us help you with that".

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