So many men wearing dresses. This photo would be banned in several US states.
White males from privileged backgrounds for "the win". Too bad for Florida because it's been proven over and over that a diverse organization has a strong competitive and productivity edge. At least the white boys will have somewhere to strut.
Olive seems pretty good but it is really hard to get working.
Having looked closer, kitty just looks too complicated. I just want a nice terminal. Kitty doesn't have scrollbars either. I'll stick with Alacritty for now.
As a billionaire, you can't fire all your workers without AI. And you can't have AI without lots of electricity. The planet and its people don't matter. Profits matter.
There is always the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Or Satan worship. Or pink unicorns. The letter did say you could pick any God you wanted.
Find a conference that specializes in your tech. Network like crazy, hand out cards, and give a talk if you can. You want to build a personal brand with your most interested potential customers. Be prepared to state how much you would charge and to do some back of envelope scope assessments. Follow up with the people you met after the conference is over. Organize a tech meetup in your town too.
Can you rewrite attestation server traffic with a proxy server? What if you had a proxy server that had hundreds of clients and scrambled the requests?
Yes. It is your fault if some company got hacked because your screensaver didn't come on for 30 minutes. Climate change is also your fault because you didn't recycle that yogurt container. Likewise that listeria poisoning you got you shouldn't have eaten at that restaurant chain.