Parsec doesnt work as host on Linux. Biggest reason I can't use it. I think you care just a teeny tiny bit.
I remember getting Donkey Kong on release for the Super Nintendo and it was more expensive than most games are right now, 66 usd. Name one thing that has the same price in 2023 that it did I 1994. It's insane.
Yeah. Actually good pricing. Imagine that huh?
Everyone who paid 120 dollars for an app that shouldn't be named has to feel real good right now.
I just love everything about Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. The second game never came close for me. But most have already played it.
You know when the main selling point of a handheld is an RGB keyboard it's gonna be fucking glorious.
So.. stupid..
But so they know that they own it? That's the question here!
We all agree. But since statement was it should be out, an announcement from the dev that he needs more time would remove questions. I think we all understand. And we all want the best app possible. But its only natural that questions are asked when estas aren't met. Nothing more, nothing less.
I would also argue that it is the end of the month.
Yeah I will have a real hard time watching games if Greenwood runs arround the pitch. I don't wanna have a sour taste in my mouth watching my team. Damn it.
Titan Quest and Grim Dawn is from the same Studio, yes.
I believe the point he is making is the app is quite expensive even after adjustments. Compared indie games you are 33% more expensive than Hollow Knight. Only for ad removal.
It's skewed in a lot of our eyes.
Linux gaming is a little hit or miss. Some games have a performance boost. Some are about the same. And some games perform worse. This is the reality. And this is what should be expected.
Your post is still true for your specific hardware and this specific game, with these specific drivers, but let's not go crazy here. Linux is good, yes. Fantastic even, on the Steam Deck. On PC most people are better off sticking with Windows, especially if you play a couple of competitive multiplayer titles. Or if you want to stream games from one device to another in house. Or if you have limited time and just want shit to work. Linux is getting closer, but the out of the box experience need to become way better and I don't doubt it will sooner rather than later.