[-] honeyontoast@lemmy.world 25 points 6 months ago

Britain doesn't use commas for decimal points, that's a mainland European thing.

[-] honeyontoast@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

If anything it'd probably annoy right wingers because it vocally blames humanity for environmental disaster.

[-] honeyontoast@lemmy.world 7 points 7 months ago

Yeah I'm sure someone who doesn't think much could definitely watch the show and come away thinking vaccines are dangerous, but that's not the angle it pulls. It relies on there being only one vaccine manufacturer, that everybody takes it, and that nobody outside the scheme actually tests the vaccine.

Of course in the real world multiple companies manufacture the same vaccine and they're tested by numerous organisations, so it falls apart pretty quickly.

Still a good show though.

[-] honeyontoast@lemmy.world 89 points 7 months ago

I recently watched Utopia, British show about a super secret group putting naughty stuff in a vaccine.

Their plan hinged on every person being so afraid of a pandemic that everybody takes the vaccine. This was made pre COVID of course, because we now know that would never work.

[-] honeyontoast@lemmy.world 16 points 7 months ago

What it basically comes down to is there are several native languages in the United Kingdom - English, Welsh, Gaelic, Scots, Cornish and more - but only English is respected on the whole.

He's not even asking for every ticket to come in both languages, just to be sent one in Welsh when asked for. I think it should be a legal requirement to provide any document in any home language requested, personally.

[-] honeyontoast@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago

Did the same thing in November with MX Linux. Haven't needed to boot into Windows once.

[-] honeyontoast@lemmy.world 9 points 8 months ago

I used to eat steak well done until I made it myself for the first time and massively misjudged the timings. Came out medium rare and it was amazing. Do it that way every time now.

But people acting like well done steak is a crime against nature is so bizarre.

[-] honeyontoast@lemmy.world 14 points 8 months ago

Man is too much for me. I can't handle that many words at once, which is why I like using tldr

[-] honeyontoast@lemmy.world 41 points 8 months ago

Cars have (or had, I don't know if they're still included) an electric lighter that you pushed in to heat up. It was basically a little metal ring that got really hot. So I think it probably is the heat.

I remember my friend also had a plasma lighter, that unsurprisingly used plasma to light things. It made a really scary noise in the wind and hurt like a motherfucker to touch. We were 18 and dumb.

[-] honeyontoast@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago

I'm assuming you mean big ideas like inventing the television and not two people thinking "hey let's get pizza!" at the same time.

The rational: If you consider that at any point in time, the average person was facing the same problems as all the other average people, it is not too unreasonable to think that two people could think of the same solution since they were facing the same problem and likely had similar life experiences and education.

The cynical: We're not as unique as we think we are.

[-] honeyontoast@lemmy.world 27 points 8 months ago

Because they seemed like a good deal when they first came around, and they were, so they boomed in popularity. Then everyone started offering them, the prices got jacked up and now you'll struggle to find an alternative.

Also, the very very short answer: More money

[-] honeyontoast@lemmy.world 15 points 8 months ago

They must have been really desperate to make that jab because "slipping up" has been a common phrase for decades (at least in the UK). So the "up" has been dropped and we're left with "slipping", if it takes a native English speaker more than ten seconds to work it out I'd be worried for their cognition.


For reference I use MX Linux with Systemd enabled.

I'm pretty new to Linux and have been running this for around a month. Everything was perfectly fine until yesterday (7th) when, on booting, I saw a glimpse of the logon screen for a second and was then taken to a black screen with some white text that read "[7.300130]". Searching for this number doesn't bring up anything.

Eventually I found that I could get into a terminal here by pressing ALT+F1. I also found a lot of people suggesting that if you get past grub and then have a very similar problem (blank screen, flashing cursor rather than a number) then it could be graphics drivers so I uninstalled and reinstalled them to no avail.

Somewhat embarrassingly, the eventual solution was very simple. After I opened the terminal with ALT+F1 I could get back to the GUI with ALT+SHIFT+F7 and.. everything was fine.

Still though, whenever I boot now, I get a glimpse of the logon page, then the black screen with the number, and then doing the shortcuts above gets me back to the logon screen and after that everything is normal.

My first instinct is to say some update on the 6th must have caused this. I have checked /var/log/apt/history.log and I did run apt upgrade on the 6th but the only update was to mx-welcome which I don't think is relevant.

Although it's only a minor nuisance I would like to not have to do this every time I boot. Any idea what this is?

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