Are many other Palestinians also finding their way into Egypt? Is Egypt doing anything at all to help them as a state?
Fuck that is so dystopian, I hope they're hackable
Damn, I really hope that aid manages to find its way to the people of Gaza
That's sick af
I imagine the distinction on workers means people who do physical labour etc.
A handy way for bullshit modern sociology to hide away the class war
Revisionist traitors
it was supposed to stop and decommission hundreds of the largest enterprises that consumed gas and fuel oil in order to provide heat and light to residential areas and prevent apartments from freezing
It's heart breaking to think just how foreign this concept sounds having been raised in capitalism. I would not doubt for a second that my country would surely sacrifice working class lives to keep the profit machine going, just like they did with COVID.
I admit I've read none of the theory but I'm so smart I can figure it out intuitively
lmao classic lib move, pull something straight outta your ass and then expect a detailed response to your baseless argument
I'm sure the Bolsheviks asked a lot of politicians for permission before occupying all strategic points in one night right?