I assume it's better than living in a South American country that just voted in someone left of center...
I don't understand what makes a hierarchy communistic and what communism has to do with corporations.
Decades of red scare does weird things to a people
Of course, every country worth it's salt is putting out propaganda, interfering with elections, and more.
But what I don't agree with is that every time someone exposes the dark side of the U.S. (like people voting for Trump, or democrats being caught doing something shitty again), the default is to blame an external evil instead of acknowledging your own mistakes.
Then post that instead
According to cbs, crime is down significantly since 2010, from 1.2 million registered crimes in 2010 to 806k crimes in 2022. Of course that doesn't give the whole picture. CBS also reported 47% less murder/killings compared to 20 years ago.
Maybe the migrants are more visible now than they were, maybe it's more concentrated in certain parts of the country. It's no secret that the government is really mismanaging the situation.
But that wasn't the point of my initial remark: punching down, blaming the people that have the least power, that's doesn't make sense and isn't fair.
I'm afraid of this becoming a slippery slope. Suffrage (both active and passive) are very important rights that should never be infringed.
You can see the slippery slope in action in America: mass incarceration is being used as a way to take away voting rights from black people. Any loop hole will always be used by the people in power to remain in power.
It's not hard to predict that the right would classify "socialism" as "lying about the economy" and try to take suffrage away from socialists, or whatever they consider socialists that day.
What kind of safeguards are you thinking of? And doesn't that go against the right to make yourself electable?
My logic says that both Israel and Russia are colonizing a place and should therefore not be surprised that they meet resistance from the people they occupy land from.
Your logic dictates that both Israel and Russia are just defending themselves.
Palestine is the one doing self defense against Israel's continued occupation and imprisonment of the Palestinian people.
I am not defending China, just pointing out a crappy argument.
We're becoming more and more fascist in the west, with politicians like Trump, DeSantis and so on. This article from Reuters is part of this shift to the right and that's why I'm pointing it out. Fascism is a bigger risk to our way of life than China is.
Ah yes, all those Leninist politicians that are showing up all over Europe and winning elections....
Liberals hurt plenty of people. They enact austerity that have hurt many poor people. They care more about money than human well-being. They often vote for sanctions that do nothing but hurt regular people. And historically have always sided with fascists when it comes down to it.