It's crazy to me how cheap it is. Like, they could double the taxes and it would still feel incredibly affordable when compared to alcohol.
So one thing I didn't realize right away is that in the ship there is a board where the game auto stores your discoveries detective-style. It really helps provide guidance when you feel like you're out of leads or don't know what to do.
Yeah all of my most down voted reddit comments were the ones where I replied about something I'm an actual expert in. Scary stuff
Good thing there's no corners or enclosed areas in malls
Yeah bit of a weird take. What now? I'll keep making the more sustainable choice I guess
Yeah having lived throughout the US (including about as far north as you can get in the 48) I was shocked to move to Scotland and be freezing cold all the time. I've never had to wear so many layers in my own home. Plus utilities are literally an order of magnitude more expensive. As soon as the heat turns off the room immediately cools down. Its insane
Having lived in the US with publicly run transit and in the UK with privately run transit I'd say there's a lot of 'it depends' you're glossing over here. Very city dependent
I tell people to try going without beef temporarily. What often happens is in doing so they learn to cook a bit and cut it out (maybe not fully but mostly) long term. Then they go after pork, chicken, etc. You're right that beef is the worst offender, but we want to be careful not to overemphasise and make it seem like its the only offender. I think a lot of it is setting a tone. I'm veg not vegan but pick vegan options when available. I think the more we can normalise 'eat less meat' the better as that's pretty hard to argue with
You're actually giving too much credit. Had not have. Past tense
The people the this amendment was specifically targeting weren't convicted of anything.
It's funny cause I'm here as an imigrant but leaving cause the place is going to shit. So, success?
I wonder if there's an opening there to claim discrimination on the basis of sex.