It just showed the developer is not to be trusted.
But this seems easy to automatically block, no? If a client is querying an unknown domain check for some Matrix related data in /.well-known/
and add it to the block list if there is. And since the servers are publicly advertising the port used you just need to periodically check the list of known matrix domains you are creating in the first step.
Russia is already doing DPI and blocking ESNI so that seems easy. A more widespread usage of ECH would help everyone, as is Signal advocating, but that's not the case yet.
Decentralise and adblockplus do nothing uBlock Origin doesn't already do. You can remove them. Also it's uBlock Origin, not just uBlock.
That's weird, something is definitely wrong. Are they set up in a similar way? The first thing that comes to my mind is: Are you using the same DNS server on both? Differences in DNS response time should be more noticeable than rendering time on most hardware. And I think Firefox doesn't use the system DNS by default but I might be wrong. Do you mind checking? I'm curious now.
There are actually no alternative browser on iOS. Before the European Digital Market Act all iOS browser have to use webkit, so while you could install Firefox, Chrome and others, they were actually using Safari's rendering engine. I believe that's where a lot of the limitations come from. Now with the DMA Firefox could use it's own rendering engine but this hasn't landed yet. I don't know if any other browser has switched from webkit yet.
This is expected if you keep the default settings. You shouldn't use it as it is but read the wiki and configure it to find the balance you want between privacy and usablity.
I can find the desktop client, am I missing something?
I don't use the same clients for viewing and editing.
I mostly use OSMAnd for viewing (but it can do editing too). To edit I use StreetComplete for easy, gamified, contribution and Vespucci if I need a full on editor. StreetComplete only ask you missing information about the things around you, if I want to add something new I use Vespucci).
Et certaines alertes ont été faites par email.
Et enfin, dernier point, mon ordi portable sous linux crash régulièrement.
Comment remonter à la source ? Je soupçonne librewolf de le faire planter mais ça peut-etre autre chose. En tout cas, il freeze et je suis obligé de faire un reboot.
Tu peux regarder la fin des logs de la dernière session avec journalctl -b -1 -e
While the code being open is good you still have to rely on trust.
I certainly don't have the time to review to code of each extension I use. And even then, we have no garanties that the extension distributed through the browser stores has the same code.
You can see the issue was opened on august 18th but the responsible commit was only made on the 19th. So the code was pushed the extension users before it was made available on the repository. Open code is of no help here.