Hearing Snow by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers while my mom is folding clothes (thats a very specific one). I have no idea how old I was exactly but I remember it vividly. The funny thing is that I didn't understand a word of the song as german is my native language. Recently I stumbled across the song again and suddenly, as if struck by lightning, I remembered this weird mundane situation as if it was yesterday. The human mind is so weird.
and you can afford to lose everything in the case of a power cut
But ext4 is a journaling filesystem, so a power cut shouldn't harm it.
I was the same, but I recently gave zig a try, it's lovely to write.
Managed to segfault the compiler though, so maybe not quite ready yet.
In München könnt i ma wahrscheinlich ned mal an Karton am Straßenrand leistn ;)
Normalerweis trink i Augustiner, kriegts in Österreich aber nur in den großen Geschäften. Zipfer is von den Brauunion Bieren mMn. eh noch eines der besseren.
IIRC it comes with a firmware called InfiniTime preinstalled. So I guess that one.
I think I got everyone. Refelctions are my enemy now but here you go:
Startet filming in portrait for some reason, tried my best to make the transition make somwhat smooth.
Anyway my filming is beyond saving (:
Never worked with nim or godot, but it is able to call c routines? So I guess you would be able to call to gdnative?
Likely isn't gonna be beatifull, but it should work.
Also a good thing because I know nobody who can leave a "Christkindlmarkt" sober. Those things are basically a huge mulled wine festival and it's great, but don't want anyone driving home from these.
I bought myself a quartz64 model a from pine64 (my instance is hosted on there) when it came out. It has a sata port but no sata power.
Turns out SATA SSDs only use the 5v part of the sata power connector so i took a sata power cable from an old PSU and an old usb cable and soldered the 5v line of the sata connector to the usb power. Look like crap and I fully expected shit to blow up but it somehow works really well.
(No I did't have electrical tape)
The comapny is called gehirn, which in the series in NERVs predecessor. They are full on aware of this.
You will always need some sort of oom killer unless you have endless memory (or swap space, which comes with its own problems in the form of grinding your system to an almost halt). Imagine all memory is in use, then some system critical task (or even the kernel itself) needs memory as well. If the kernel can't kill a less important process to free memory in such a situation you might just crash your system.