Well that’s my point. The answer is correct in this specific case, because it’s already “built-in” so to speak.
What if there was just a law to cap the compensation in that the highest compensation must be at most 10x (Or whatever a reasonable number may be). If your lowest paid salary is 50k, the max salary for CEO would be 500k. If the CEO wants more money, everyone needs to get more money.
Wow and the most predictable reply too? Poor guy. Better luck next time.
Brave man recommending anything Apple around these parts.
You’re only robbing yourself if you go cash only. $1 will be worth less tomorrow than it is today.
Yes. He’s asking a question? Why is an online casino bad?
If the casino follows all rules and regulations, then that is not bad.
If talking about sites that steal your money and don’t pay out when you “win”, then yes, that is bad, and a scam. But that’s not an online casino…that’s a scam. And also incredibly rare.
An online casino can make a shit ton of money by just following the rules. Why would they need to break the rules?
Some are selling your data, some are using it internally. Beyond that who knows
There’s no security implications with allowing users to play mp3 files, they don’t care where they came from. 75% of my library is music that I either pirated or ripped from my own CDs, it’s not like iTunes (now Music) can tell which is mine and which isn’t. Same thing with movies/tv shows.
Just need autocorrect and it’s not that hard on the default keyboard
I agree it sucks. But I can understand the rationale. At peak times, if people try to go to Wendy’s, and it’s too busy, they go somewhere else. At this point the demand is higher than supply. Clearly increasing cost will create more profit.
Long term they are probably hoping that people decide to not all come in a peak times, and the peak is more spread out. This way lines are never long enough for people to just say fuck this and then leave. Less lost sales = more profit.
In reality I can see people just not going, so I agree with you that long term they see less sales. But honestly who really knows, people can be pretty irrational.
I’m talking about my previous response. I already said their answer is wrong.