Well, usually you don't need to enter any password.
I'm referring to a password to unlock the screen.
Well, usually you don't need to enter any password.
I'm referring to a password to unlock the screen.
Android has storage encryption by default?
Why do I only need to enter 1 password?
You can get free games with torrenting, so it never appealed to me.
I don't want or need more accounts, nor do I want or need more launchers.
Kind of. I've been playing a lot of PS2/GBA era games lately and I've been having more fun than most modern releases.
I'm definitely "behind a generation" where I wait for games to be available to easily torrent and run on Linux.
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digitally raped
What does this mean?
People are stupid. The powers that be have a vested interest in making stupid people think they're correct while taking power away from the smart ones.
They've been very successful. We pride ourselves on our stupidity and ignorance now.
But not being in a relationship is what causes them to do these things...
but when the American right made trans people their next target after their abortion win
WTF? When were trans people not the target of the american right?
How would I know? I don't have to use biometrics when I restart the phone.