Damn son.
Everyone who voted for joe and hillary in the primaries did their part to sell out the working class.
Good job, morons.
Java isn't Javascript, but that ham analogy is dumb as fuck and I feel bad for anyone who internalizes it after hearing it from someone else.
If Intel didn't have yield issues for over a decade, wouldn't they be much further ahead than AMD by now?
Kinda weird how their production problems conveniently coincide with what will keep them "neck n' neck" with the competition for as long as possible.
Sigh. How do you people still not get it?
Musk, West, Trump. They're all conmen. They're all businessmen. Every single move they make is calculated to make them as much money as possible.
Any publicity is good publicity. They are all brands. They know that if they say something controversial, we're going to be talking about it. This alone furthers their brand recognition and gives them more money.
That's it. That's the only point of comments like theirs.
But not being in a relationship is what causes them to do these things...
Allergic to documentation? See, this is where the free software community fucks up. Stop putting the onus of usability on the users. It's the role of developers to make their software easy to use for people who aren't working on it. That's why macOS and Windows are still dominant to this day. The companies that develop them realized decades ago that laypeople don't want to and shouldn't have to read documentation or sift through configuration files if software can be designed so that it's easier to use.
Unfortunately, thanks to people like you, getting this solution across to the Linux community at large is like pulling teeth.
I'd be happier if we could just admit, "Yeah, GUIs are better but they're harder to implement so we don't do it." At least then we're being honest and not trying to blame users for the lack of developers.
As it stands right now, your rhetoric actively discourages people to take up GUI development because you keep trying to make it a user problem, not a developer one.
I'd say it's both.
Not all writers are complacent with potboiling, but most of them are and it's what makes them average.
Well, I hope you're rational enough to understand that you can't predict the future and you may actually be wrong about how bad you think things will be. What you're doing right now is 'speculating.' It's important to acknowledge that your predictions are just that, predictions. They have not come to pass yet and you shouldn't pretend that your predictions have already been proven true.
A lot of you people seem to argue as though your predictions are fact, and then get mad at anyone who says otherwise.
Was the first trump presidency better, worse, or about the same as you expected it to be leading up to inauguration?
He's not. It's the big fish that avoid getting caught.
From a better solution that actually improves the lives of people.
He's just advocating for revenge. It doesn't solve anything.
Let me say it again for the people in the back: it's better to redistribute these people's wealth than to throw them in prison without redistributing their wealth.
Try not to distract from the problem at hand.
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