Correct. You'll start breathing after you black out. Also, you'll probably fail to even hold your breath that long. Takes training and a LOT if will power to be able to. You know that very uncomfortable panicky feeling that starts after a while when holding your breath? When that gets going for real, you are not even halfway to blacking out. Our body has strong feelings about breathing and is pretty good at letting you know how it feels about the lack of air. Or technically, the build up of CO~2~. You can somewhat bypass your body's CO~2~ detection by hyperventilation, but the end result is the same, you start breathing after you black out. Source: used to apnea dive, but as with everything I do, I quit before I got good.
Signed a while ago, turns out. If you haven't and you're a EU citizen, go do it now.
"Forgetting". They do not want to start pulling that thread and I suspect that it is because of instructions from above. No one wants any focus on it. Republicans because of why would a republican wanna kill Trump and general gun control? Not an area where they want speculation to start running. As for the Democrats, investigation into what the fuck the secret service was doing will land on them being the sitting government. So under the carpet it goes. Lone maniac and nothing to see. Move on please.
"Old people". These whippersnappers are getting uppity it seems. Time for a spanking.
And what is this CD people mention? We play our music on shellac records.
But for a glorious few moments you'd be in nerdvana. Worth it. Refresh rate will simply be calculated by how many electrons hit the screen per second, so not quite infinite. Bet the number is pretty high, though.
Punch cat
No one does that except for people believing it's a thing the upper class/nobility does. Which of course they don't. Try to find video of the Nobel price dinner for example and see if any of the royalty poke their pinky out while drinking. Not that I'd worry about emulating those unelected sponges, but if there's one thing they do know, it's etiquette.
Yes, literally. Probably contagious too. Watch out or you'll catch the gay. Ohh, so that's the plan. Sneaky, I like it.
That "article" reads like a commercial.
I must confess to not watching the vid either. 😃
Lol. Really puts a smile on my face. So cute.
You say four years. I hope you are right.