Jellyfin and stick-it-in
I suggest you become a fish...
I'm sorry
Whoa thanks for the info! Some of them look pretty scary when they're long.
Your bulbs might be burning out because of overheating. These bulbs have their powersupply in the bulb screw, so there's no real place for the heat to go. I have a ceiling lamp that causes normal bulbs to reach temperatures as high as 100c, and so they burn out every couple of moths. This might be your issue.
Edit: fixed misspell
Wait a sec... Is it me or did he forget to open the lid on the toilet?
That looks classy tho...
I hope they call their other brand "something"
As a Norwegian, I can agree. I always joke about going to school at night, and coming home at night, only seeing day from the windows in my classroom
@fossilesque id just swap the vim commands :xq and :q! and watch the world burn