Can’t fuck up what is not yet organized
I wouldn’t. But there are so many employers, some actually doing evil things, and in some countries sabotaging things while your department is mass fired is all the rage.
So, if one is going to do it, do it well
I know the town he was convicted in, it’s not quite a bedroom community for Houston. A bit too far out. They have a problem with the police allowing firearms used in the city limits.
He was convicted by jury there
Ok kids, what did we learn here? Use obfuscation in your kill switches, and place it by leaving vulnerabilities that are “accidental”.
Secondary lesson: don’t web surf on corporate laptops
Have you checked to see if the foundations are the same ?
And more than that not have a different group of upper class later. As had happened always.
I’d rather not go through the churn if no real difference a few years later
One of the first of many.
I think this will be rarer now than later though. It’s really early days and the detained probably are still being treated mostly in the rule of law. Not that the arrests would stand up to legal scrutiny. But once arrested will probably not be too harmed physically.
Later, of course, this will change. If we are lucky it will only be some victims, and not hundreds of thousands
True meritocracy had never been implemented in any human society larger than a small village.
It had been partially implemented in several places/times
What we have today is a partially implemented one in middle management, technocrats and engineers.
Where out of touch upper management and owners are the rule. But if I look at any successful company I will find the tech and middle management running it day to day
All I know is that if I can blame the average Russian, German, Brit, Serbian, Hutu etc for bad things in history. No force on earth is going to have me give Americans a pass. Especially after the majority of them supported the wars in the Middle East.
It’s a genocide, the clues are everywhere. It’s not an American thing that makes it unique. There are shitty people everywhere mixed in with decent folks.
And it’s fine to not protest or just be quiet. Sometimes that is all one can do. It’s ok to think one is powerless to oppose such things. This is the case for many.
But actual support that is voluntary? No
And I think there is some overlap between our two views. Many of the people who I would give a pass to, are many of the people you talk about
Last year I read about the Galveston hurricane at beginning of last century , a lot of people died because the weather service was not allowed to talk to forecasters in Cuba.
Just saying
Brainwashing or just nasty people?
Maybe if the threads pause a lot, and pause even more as the stack unwinds to the final exciting conclusion.