[-] ltxrtquq@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The key to defeat fascism is not voting for fascism.

Are you implying Harris was also fascist, or are you just complaining that not enough people voted for her? If it's the first, then fine. But if it's the second, what do you think Harris could have done to earn more votes?

Or are you saying that racism and misogyny in the US is just that much stronger than our anti-fascist beliefs? That there's no amount of good policy and campaign promises that a woman could give that would ever be enough to beat fascism?

[-] ltxrtquq@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 months ago

His billion dollar settlement won't be discharged through this bankruptcy, so his wages will probably be garnished for the rest of his life as it is. I really don't have any sympathy for him, and taking the social media account he's been using for his business as part of that business's liquidation really doesn't feel like a big deal.

[-] ltxrtquq@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 months ago

It also didn't help that it was one of the first $70 games when the norm was $60.

[-] ltxrtquq@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago


Youtube says there are only 441 videos in the complete series, I'm sure you'll find your cousin eventually.

Although it is weird, wikipedia and archive.org are telling me there should only be 65.

[-] ltxrtquq@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

How do we know that one of them and not half of them are criminals

We've already done this, pay attention.

The research does not support the view that immigrants commit crime or are incarcerated at higher rates than native-born Americans.
What’s more, the arrival of record numbers of immigrants at the United States–Mexico border over the past two years has not corresponded with an overall increase in crime in so-called “blue” cities where many of the recent arrivals have settled. In most places, the opposite has happened — crime, including violent crime, has trended downward (other than larceny and a small increase in robbery) after peaking across the country in 2020. This has been true since the spring of 2022, the year Republican governors, including those in Arizona, Florida, and Texas, began transporting undocumented immigrants to cities with more immigrant-friendly policies, including Boston, Chicago, New York, and Washington.

[-] ltxrtquq@lemmy.ml 2 points 7 months ago

While he could veto this resolution given the overwhelming support by Congress it would only cause a short term delay.

So why not do that then? Why not veto it and show he doesn't want more weapons sent to Israel? If you're so afraid of the inevitable "people will just vote for it anyways," why not just roll over and let Trump have his second term?

[-] ltxrtquq@lemmy.ml 2 points 11 months ago

Do you live in a swing state? Because I don't. As far as I see it, voting third party won't have any effect on the election, but might at least signal that I want change. It's not like the popular vote matters in this country.

[-] ltxrtquq@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago

None of those benefits came close to the cost of the program

How do you measure the cost-to-benefit of longer maternity leave? Or higher high school graduation rates? Not everything the government does needs to directly make a profit. Just look at roads for an obvious example of that.

once initiated productively decreased. Likely would have even decreased further but people knew the free money would eventually end.

There was only about a 13% decrease in hours worked for the entire family on average, and most of that was women going back to work after a pregnancy later and teenagers not working (probably so they could keep going to school).

How do you pay for a program when the local area taxes don’t cover it particularly when the tax income actually decreases once instituted?

It's not about Canada, but you can always find a way to pay for things if you really want to, even if they're objectively bad for tax income.

[-] ltxrtquq@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago

From the source of link 3:

Figure 17 Primary Reasons for Leaving Last Housing, All Participants

  • Lost or reduced income: 12%
  • Conflict among residents: 9%
  • Didn't want to impose/wanted own space: 7%
  • Conflict with property owner: 7%
  • Someone else became sick, disabled, or died: 6%
  • Building was sold or foreclosed: 6%
  • Violence or abuse in the household: 5%
  • Breakup between residents: 4%
  • Participant's substance use: 4%
  • Other needed more space: 4%

and also:

To understand what participants believed may have prevented their homelessness, we asked them to engage in a thought experiment about the likelihood that their homelessness could have been prevented had they received financial intervention. We provided all participants with three different scenarios and asked them whether each intervention would have prevented their becoming homeless for at least two years.29 The interventions were: (1) a monthly rental subsidy worth $300-$500; (2) a one-time payment of $5,000 to $10,000; or, (3) a voucher that limits rent contribution to 30% of their income (such as a Housing Choice Voucher).

FIGURE 21 Participant Report of Effect of Hypothetical Homelessness Prevention Interventions by Family Structure


  • $300-$500/month shallow subsidy: 70%
  • $5,000-$10,000 one-time payment: 82%
  • Housing voucher: 90%

So while "not enough money" might not have been the most common cause for people being homeless, the vast majority of people think having more money or cheaper housing would have prevented them from becoming homeless.

[-] ltxrtquq@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It wasn't me that said that, and that's not what they said.

Edit: I should really refresh the page if I'm going to spend so long reading the sources.

[-] ltxrtquq@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago

The Kickstarter page puts it at 450g, which seems to be fairly good compared to the first tire I googled's ~600g.

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