[-] lysdexic@programming.dev 1 points 4 days ago

i interpreted the “trend” correctly, “devops” was bastardized away from its original meaning to now mean “sysadmin”, at least in most cases.

I don't think I agree. The role of a sysadmin involved a lot of hand-holding and wrangling low-level details required to keep servers running. DevOps are something completely different. They handle specific infrastructure such as pipelines and deployment scripts, and are in the business of not getting in the way of developers.

[-] lysdexic@programming.dev 2 points 4 days ago

And Gallup claims that 29% of Americans have been diagnosed with depression at one point:

That really doesn't mean anything. The only requirement for succumbing to a depression is being alive, because all it takes is something bad happening in your life (loss lf friend, loved one, even pet, etc) to fall into a pit of despair.

[-] lysdexic@programming.dev 10 points 4 days ago

Every job lately seems to have been infected by Meta/google “data driven” leadership. Its so painful and wasteful sometimes.

It's cargo cult mentality. They look at FANGs and see them as success stories, and thus they try to be successful by mimicking visible aspects of FANG's way of doing things, regardless of having the same context or even making sense.

I once interviewed for a big name non-FANG web-scale service provider whose recruiter bragged about their 7-round interview process. When I asked why on earth they need 7 rounds of interviews, the recruiter said they optimized the process down from the 12 rounds of interviews they did in the past, and they do it because that's what FANGs do. Except FANGs do typically 4, with the last being an on-site.

But they did 7, because FANGs. Disregard "why".

[-] lysdexic@programming.dev 14 points 4 days ago

In the 2010s, the mindset at tech giants seemed to be that they had to hire the best developers and do everything they could to keep them.

Not really. The mindset was actually to hire skilled developers just to dry up the market, so that their competitors would not have skilled labour to develop their own competing products and services.

Then the economy started to take a turn for the worse, and these same companies noted that not only they could not afford blocking their competitors from hiring people but also neither did their competitors. Twice the reasons to shed headcount.

It was not a coincidence that we saw all FANGs shed people at around the same time.

[-] lysdexic@programming.dev 1 points 6 days ago

(...) rust, since js is much higher level. you should be comparing it with c, c++, zig, maybe nim, etc

Obvious troll.

[-] lysdexic@programming.dev 0 points 6 days ago

I develop professionally in C and C++. No they aren’t. At all. C and C++ are so loaded with footguns it’s a surprise people can get anything done in them without triggering UB.

The way you parrot undefined behavior is a telltale sign you do not work with either C or C++. If you had any cursory first-hand professional experience with either one of those languages, you'd understand what UB is, why writing your code by laying unfounded expectations on UB is actually either a bug or design error on your behalf, you'd know that for a decade or so there are tooling that throws warnings and errors if you inadvertently use it, and above all UB only means frameworks are ultimately responsible to specify the behavior that is left purposely undefined.

[-] lysdexic@programming.dev 2 points 6 days ago

If your primary exposure to programming is only typescript or JavaScript maybe you shouldn’t be jumping straight into something like rust.

That completely contradicts any claim that Rust is user-friendly and provides a decent user experience.

[-] lysdexic@programming.dev 3 points 6 days ago

A comment on the YouTube video makes a good point that we already have a better word for the concept of dealing with multiple things at once: multitasking.

I don't think that's a good comment at all. In fact, it ignores fundamental traits that separate both concepts. For example, the concept of multitasking is tied to single-threaded task switching whereas concurrency has a much broader meaning, which covers multi threaded and multiprocess execution of many tasks that may or may not yield or be assigned to different cores, processors, or even nodes.

Meaning, concurrency has a much broader meaning that goes well beyond "doing many things at once". Such as parallelism and asynchronous programming.

[-] lysdexic@programming.dev 5 points 6 days ago

Do we really need a video about this in 2024? Shouldn’t this be already a core part of our education as software engineers?

I'm not sure what point you tried to make.

Even if you believe some concept should be a core part of the education of every single software engineer who ever lived, I'm yet to meet a single engineer who had an encyclopedic knowledge of each and every single topic covered as a core part of their education. In fact, every single engineer I ever met only retained a small subset of their whole curriculum.

So exactly what is your expectation?

Why TCP needs 3 handshakes (www.pixelstech.net)
The Arrival of Java 23 (blogs.oracle.com)
CPU Flame Graphs (www.brendangregg.com)
Code Smells Catalog (luzkan.github.io)
[-] lysdexic@programming.dev 63 points 10 months ago

Eduards Sizovs, the DevTernity organizer accused of making up fake female speakers, felt it was the right PR move to post this message on Twitter:


So I've been called out (and canceled?) by listing a person on my conference's website (who never actually made it to the final program). JUST A RANDOM PERSON ON THE CONFERENCE WEBSITE canceled all the good work I've been doing for 15+ years. All focus on that.

I said it was a mistake, a bug that turned out to be a feature. I even fixed that on my website! We're cool? Nooooo, we want blood! Let's cancel this SINNER!

The amount of hate and lynching I keep receiving is as if I would have scammed or killed someone. But I won't defend myself because I don't feel guilty. I did nothing terrible that I need to apologize for. The conference has always delivered on its promise. It's an awesome, inclusive, event. And yes, I like Uncle Bob's talks. They're damn good.

When the mob comes for you, you're alone. So, let it be. I'll keep doing a great conference. With all speakers, half the speakers, or I'll be speaking alone on all tracks and lose my voice. But the event will be a blast. Like always. I'll die while doing great work. But the mob won't kill me.

I don't think that tone-deaf is the right word for this.

[-] lysdexic@programming.dev 92 points 10 months ago

From the article:

"To spell it out why this conference generated fake women speakers," Orosz alleges, it was "because the organizer wants big names and it probably seemed like an easy way to address their diversity concerns. Incredibly lazy."

How hard is it for these organizers to actually reach out to women developers and extend an invite to talk about any topic they are interested in? In the very least, there are tons of high-profile bloggers who are vocal about things and stuff. Even though women are severely outnumbered, you almost need to go way out of your way to avoid actually extending an invite to a woman in the field.

[-] lysdexic@programming.dev 114 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

A few years ago I was in a hiring loop where four interviewers grilled me on a number of subjects, including algorithms and data structures. They asked me all sorts of trivia questions on assimptotic complexity of this and that algorithm, how to implement this and that, how to traverse stuff, etc. As luck would have it, I was hired. I spent a few years working for that company and not a single time did I ever implemented a data structure at all or wrote any sort of iterator. Not once.

I did spend months writing stuff in an internal wiki.

I can't help but feel that those bullshit leetcode data structures computational complexity trivia are just a convoluted form of ladder-pulling.

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