[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

Lol! You can't "exterminate" a state, genius. It's a state. You remember what those are?

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago

white supremacist subreddits like /r/europe are pro-Israel, probably only because it conveniently resonates with their anti-immigrant and anti-muslim messages.

The pro-Israeli stance of a Europe that is as antisemitic as it always has been is no new thing - even the Nazis considered forcing Europe's Jewish population to emigrate to Palestine as a potential "Final Solution" to their precious "Jewish Question" (it was dropped as a "solution" because Palestine was in British hands at the time). Christian Zionism predates Jewish Zionism - and it was always firmly based in European antisemitism... ie, the (very antisemitic) idea that Jewish people are "other" and cannot belong in "western" society. People are quick to forget - the post-WW2 era was the only time in "western" civilization's history that overt and brutal antisemitism wasn't the order of the day. From a historical perspective, it might even be considered an aberration for "western" society - and, considering the resurgence of of overt far-right ideology in the Global North, it may be an aberration that is coming to an end.

It’s like saying the people that support Palestine do so because they’re anti-Israel.

You cannot be pro-Palestinian and not be anti-Israel - that's no different than saying you're pro-black people but accept the existence of the Apartheid-regime in South Africa. To compromise is to simply excuse the continued repression of the former under the guise of "respectabity politics" - the politically correct term for "appeasement," I'd say.

but the common people do it because of how close their values and culture are to their own.

What "values" and "culture" would that be? A belief in "western" superiority as catalyzed through genocidal settler-colonialism? White supremacism, perhaps?

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

Way to avoid the question

I'm not avoiding the question - you are avoiding the entire reality of the situation. The colonized does not require your approval or oversight to wage war against colonizers.

devising a workable solution to the inherent complexities that exist between the two countries.

What complexities? Why are people all of a sudden pretending that western colonialism - and the resistance against it - is suddenly a "new" thing?

(the impetus for which I can only guess)

Again... there is no mystery here - Israel has always been a western-backed colonialist project. No ifs, ands or buts. Where is the mystery?

but escalation via killing uninvolved civilians

If we cared about "civilians," wouldn't we be concerned about colonialism in the first place? No? Then I guess we're only concerned when said "civilians" belonging to the colonizer side start dying, eh?

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago

And the mod(s? was it ever more than one person?

Quite honestly it's difficult to tell whether it was all just an army of sock accounts or if this user (still going as ziq over on raddle) had actually managed to recruit some loyal followers into their weird little purity-testing cult or something. Either way, it's pretty fucked up.

But it did teach me an important lesson, though... any online space dedicated to leftists is going to inevitably attract these dangerous and toxic Napoleon-types (yes, I am naming them after the pig in Animal Farm - I'm going there) - people whose "leftism" only consists of that which facilitates their megalomania and who has the time and resources available to them to subvert those very spaces. It really explains why tankies have such a toxic presence online. Leftists should never fool themselves into assuming that someone understanding leftist theory automatically means they are acting in good faith.

So I don't get too heavily invested in leftist-only spaces - I prefer being out there engaging people and doing counter-propaganda. It just feels a whole lot more productive.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago

Gee... what could I possibly have against grifters that want to twist the concept of socialism into "whatever Dear Brother Leader says it is"?

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

You can kind of see it that way... the rich get corporate, state-engineered socialism while the non-rich gets brutal "free market" capitalism.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago

Yeah... The Ring. That movie did a number on me... and I thought I was well-past the age when a movie could do that. J-horror is not your friend.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago

Ask the Khmer Rouge what happens when you piss the Vietnamese off with this kind of shit.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago

The entire political establishment here in South Africa has essentially decided that poor immigrants from the rest of Africa and the middle-east are acceptable scapegoats for everything going on here... they aren't doing it as openly as politicians in the rest of the world, though. Not yet, anyway.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago

Water is far more dangerous than weed - you can literally kill yourself by drinking too much of it.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago

Peak consumerism.

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