It’s definitely that, yeah. I just wonder how it’ll go once (if?) they have to use a computer at work later.
Not sure about that, specifically. I do know that some countries (e.g., The Netherlands) have way stricter exams than for instance Hungary.
No worries if you’re going fast enough. ;)
As much as I hated that excuse during the pandemic, I think I’d have trouble breathing when wearing an FFP3/N95 mask while cycling. Granted, I’m talking about cycling as a sport, not for commuting (though I tend to have a decent speed while commuting). Going 30 km/h I really need my air to keep it up.
Interestingly enough there seem to be two types of playlists that get pushed in ads. One is a normal one with a big variety of artists. That seems the least profitable to me. The other only has songs by one “artist” that seems to only have remixes of popular songs. That’s the sketchy one, in my opinion.
Users do. See all the people running iOS betas on their daily drivers, then complaining about a forced reset or data loss.
Ja. In Nederland is er (als ik mij niet vergis) zelfs wetgeving dat er binnen x minuten lopen/fietsen van een woonkern een supermarkt moet zijn, en dat er weinig tot geen supermarkten zich op industrieterreinen mogen bevinden. De complottheorie is zoals altijd overgewaaid uit Amerika, waar je lekker een uur mag rijden naar de dichtstbijzijnde supermarkt.
Really uncreative, but: $myInitials-desktop $myInitials-server $myInitials-laptop
With my username being…. $myInitials. Surprising, really. Boring, but consistent. :)
It’s been pretty alright for me, actually. Both with gaming and development using WSL2.
I’m pretty sure React/React Native doesn’t have any Facebook tracking built in. The dev community would crucify them for that.
Fair. Though it still makes me doubt it a little bit. It is still an American woman we’re talking about. Suing is your national pastime, isn’t it?